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Reasons to keep/fix

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Keep it, fix it.

These things last as long as you want.... (except for rust, or $5/gallon fuel).

Drive until the wheels fall off, then put them back on and keep driving.


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120 mph LMAO

The 97 still has the t case mounted VSS right? by those miles the drive gear is usually worn out!!

Yes... But CV axles are still original. I would replace them as maintenance, but am always concerned about (cheap) aftermarket parts.

I wouldn't worry much about the CV axles, considering you still have the rear to push you along if something weird happens and one fails suddenly. Then again if you intend to keep it *forever*, parts aren't going to become more plentiful the older it gets.

Original CVs? Wow. I replaced mine at around 225k not because the joints were shot, but because they developed a real deep groove that kept eating up axle shaft seals...which made my trucklet mark gear oil everywhere she went.

Thanks @mr.alligator imma see if its the guides or something else, then go from there... hoping i might be able to sometime hit 500k... who knows... :)thanks so much guys!

also quick quesiton, is there a way to keep the instrument cluster from heating up because when it does, the speedometer and odo stop working... probably gone around 30k without it... also is there a way to reinforce the hatch, because its caving in... i know the best solution is to put a new hatch, but im in a cash crunch...

List of things to fix

1. Guides (or whatever timing component broke)
2. Rear Hatch
3. Rear main seal (slight leak, not very bad)

how much work would it be to replace the guides (assuming thats what broke imma check that soon(if its not too much work to get to oil pan)), reinforce the rear hatch (if you can do that(if not i can find one for about 300)), and put in a new rear main seal, and cool the instrument cluster

Fixing the timing will cost ya that's the first thing I'd start with pull the valve covers and take a look if they are broke it's like 2000$ if you do it yourself close to $3000 to pay someone
If you haven't done any major engine work to gauge your skill level I'd do myself a favor and put in a used engine and get a rear hatch and instrument panel at the same time

A used engine is cheaper than the repair the engine has to be removed in both cases
Good luck

how much work is it to pull the oil pan to see if it is the guides and if so how do i replace it... ive spent alkot of time with the engine and hpoing i can do it myself...

also since i drive over 100 miles a day, should i have 2 daily drivers? Ive got my explorer but it has over 300k so i think its time to get a new daily soon (probably a ranger) but im wondering if on top of the ranger, should i get another car or daily the ranger and explorer


also since i drive over 100 miles a day, should i have 2 daily drivers? Ive got my explorer but it has over 300k so i think its time to get a new daily soon (probably a ranger) but im wondering if on top of the ranger, should i get another car or daily the ranger and explorer
When you find a replacement truck don't buy it post pictures here first a video is even better
Before you go make sure the truck hasn't been started in at least 12 hours if it has the engine will be warm even a little warm is to much you want it stone cold if they started it for any reason they are hiding big problems

ive seen one fore 1.5k near me.. needs some work... seems like a serpentine belt, alternator...ill have to see more about it... is 500 a year insurance and 1.5k worth it...

ive seen one fore 1.5k near me.. needs some work... seems like a serpentine belt, alternator...ill have to see more about it... is 500 a year insurance and 1.5k worth it...

Not enough information. Rust? Miles? Type of engine? General condition? Is it running? Tires?

Good luck with your decisions.

That's the speed we need to go in our Ford's when we time travel

if you ever got one of these trucks up to 120 mph, you really would be time traveling.... but your passenger would probably try to kill you.


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if you ever got one of these trucks up to 120 mph, you really would be time traveling.... but your passenger would probably try to kill you.


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