Reinstallation of overhead console | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Reinstallation of overhead console


Elite Explorer
October 24, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Charlotte, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Eddie Bauer
I had to remove the overhead console of my truck in order to switch around my sunroof control (the moron who reassembled it put the thing in backwards). In the process of doing this I discovered (the hard way) that whoever worked on it last put a screw in between the courtesy lights to hold the console up there. I ended up snapping it (since I didn't know the screw was there), so I had to get a new light assembly, which required a new wiring harness for the lights and STILL some splicing (long story, but I can share it if you want), but now I am left with a problem: I can't reinsert the screw in the new light assembly, as the ribbon cable for the lights goes over the spot where the screw was. The reason the screw was there was because the two plastic tabs with metal snaps on the end of them do not properly lock into the ceiling. You can hear the metal rub when you insert them into the slots, but they don't snap into position.

Does anyone know where I could get the tabs I need? Either these are broken or too small, I have no idea which.

Are the 'prongs' on your metal tabs broken off and missing or just flattened out? If just flattened you can probably use some needle nose pliers to bend them back out.
As for finding new metal clips...I have found some at the Ford dealer before...they sell them in packages. I think I have also seen some in Auto Zone, although the size might not be exact. You might also try NAPA, they seem to keep a pretty good selection of odd clips and such.
Good luck, let us know what you find.

I'll try to bend them out tomorrow if that's the problem. I'm in the middle of doing shackles/TT, so the console will come after that.

I already tried looking in AutoZone, they didn't have it. There's also a napa down the street. They're both less than two minutes from my house; it's heaven :D
