Remote control off road Lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Remote control off road Lights

Anyone know where I can find a set of remote control off road lights? The ones that are motorised & I can aim. I did a google search & came up with a few but they are for marine use. I saw one on a Hummer & it looked really cool & usefull.

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You are probably looking at over $1,000 for the lights.
If you really want to turn the lights it would be cheaper to hire a homeless guy to ride on top and turn the lights.

Man, I was way off on the price. Cheaper than I thought.
Although, I still like the idea of the guy on the roof.

Those are the ones I saw. That's for marine use. Not sure if they can be adapted for auto use.


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adapt what? just put it on. Friend of moine has one on his f150. pretty slick

Didn't see that :)
