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Remote fuel filter


May 5, 2014
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2005 ford exploror xlt V6
Im having thoughts of installing a remote fuel filter....perhaps located in engine bay...sick of the oem ford filter in its rotten location...has anyone got any input...........cheers

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Haven't done this and never thought the stocker was in a bad location. Sucks having to remove the shield, otherwise it seems to have decent room to work with.

If you go about it, are you going to remove the stock filter completely and run new lines to the new location?

The idea is to use a brand new filter....cut the outlet end off...remove filter element...reattach end by brazing...thus you have a empty your fuel lines as per normal to new remote filter unit etc....when you say plenty of room on oem...not for me..just hate laying under there and trying to use those funky removal tools...there has to be more posts about fuel filter removal than anything else..........................

The idea is to use a brand new filter....cut the outlet end off...remove filter element...reattach end by brazing...thus you have a empty your fuel lines as per normal to new remote filter unit etc....when you say plenty of room on oem...not for me..just hate laying under there and trying to use those funky removal tools...there has to be more posts about fuel filter removal than anything else..........................

I see you posted in the sticky for the fuel filter replacement, so nothing to add there. I'll be replacing mine very soon as it's been a short while since I last did it.

Not too sure how to use site....where should it be posted...????

Not too sure how to use site....where should it be posted...????

I'm sorry for the confusion. You mentioned that there has to be more info on the fuel filter replacement and I was going to link you to the sticky for fuel filter replacement and saw that you had made a post in it:

Other than that, I can't recall much more about replacement or anyone modifying their fuel filter as you are wanting to do. I see what you are saying about making the stock one hollow and then adding an easier replacement filter upstream. Not sure what it will take to do it, so I'll let you be the tester :D

I have made a start already...bracket in engine bay.....bought new filter system with water seperator monday 5th...will see about adding new/longer fuel line...have taken pics along the if its ok,will post pics............................

I have made a start already...bracket in engine bay.....bought new filter system with water seperator monday 5th...will see about adding new/longer fuel line...have taken pics along the if its ok,will post pics............................

Post away. If you need help on posting pictures, just let us know :thumbsup:

Ok will do...i wont jump the gun yet...mon will see most businesses back at work...going to see filter guy who does our tractors...he will give a yes or no...will of course let you know...................

Update on remote filter....all finished yesterday....test drive leaks etc..even if i say so myself...a bloody good job...unless im wrong,could be worlds first exxy with a proper fuel filter more laying under the sob...battling with the funky tool and lack of room...if...??????....anyone wants details let me to test

Update on remote filter....all finished yesterday....test drive leaks etc..even if i say so myself...a bloody good job...unless im wrong,could be worlds first exxy with a proper fuel filter more laying under the sob...battling with the funky tool and lack of room...if...??????....anyone wants details let me to test

That's great to hear! Keep testing and then post on what you did and with what. Pictures are more than welcome!

Hey limited 02,i guess its just you and me....just got back from 80km test run....about 50 blow leaks....all good,so very happy...will see if there is any ???? Interest before i do write up or post pics

I've just always wanted to use this:


Eagerly waiting for pics!

I have three write ups I've been sitting on for about a year. Dealing with all the pics and the written details is time consuming.

Ok will send details and pics....will have to wait for sister to come good with engineering but crap on posting patient....cheers
