Remote(not keypad) ?'s | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Remote(not keypad) ?'s


Active Member
March 13, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Gilbert, Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sport
My newly aquired 01 Sport is a bit finicky with the remote entry and alarm. Likes to go off after i unlock it. But what is weird, is that i have 2 remotes, when the alarm goes off, only one will turn it off, it unlocks/locks the doors on occasion, but the other one will unlock/lock, but wont stop the alarm.
In other words i have to carry both remotes.
Is there a way to do a complete reset of the alarm system? Also is there anyplace that has complete directions as to what the seireis of honks mean when locking and unlocking?
I have tried reprogramming the remotes via the intructions in the manual, they still work, but in the same manner.
Its like on unlocks/locks the door and one arms security.


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Is the alarm aftermarket?? That is the only reason why you would have 2 different remotes. The Ex came with a keyless remote that locks/unlocks and has basic panic alarm .

No aftermarket alarm that i am aware of.
Does the stock alarm chirp the horn?


yes it does. If you hit lock twice it will beep once. It will beep once for every door open....

Upon further inspection, i have come to the conclusion that there IS an aftermarket alarm installed.
Something called Silencer. I discovered a small sensing unit mounted underneath the steering wheel right by the hood release. The second remote also says"silencer", its the one that turns of the incessant horn honking.(that happens even when the truck is unlocked with thte other remote) Explains that problem.
Now alli have to do is find out how to disconnect it.
How do i get the plastic cowling off that is under the steering wheel?
I removed the two screws on the bottom edge, but it is still attached somehow.
