Removing rear drive shaft | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Removing rear drive shaft


Well-Known Member
December 14, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Charleston/Myrtle Beach, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT/'95 XL
Well I hit a seems the pinion flange has a lip that doesn't allow the shaft to drop after I removed the bolts... How do I take it off once I get the four bolts out? I'm stumped.... I tried to move it toward the tranny, but that didn't do anything.

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Kadahaf said:
Well I hit a seems the pinion flange has a lip that doesn't allow the shaft to drop after I removed the bolts... How do I take it off once I get the four bolts out? I'm stumped.... I tried to move it toward the tranny, but that didn't do anything.
Jack up the body and let the diff. hang to allow some slack. :thumbsup:

Take a breaker bar (or a large wrench) and stick it between the flange on the differential and the flange on the driveshaft and pry. The two parts often stick together due to rust and what not.

ohhh didn't think of lacking it up...

Ill see if I can find a pry bar just the right size to make ths shaft move. Thanks for the responses

well it took 5 hours, and a quart of tranny fluid but I got the axle off and loaded with grease. This **** shifts like nothing else and no more thump when I nail the brakes. I thought I broke my truck when I tried to drive away ight after fixing it, and it wouldn't move even if I hit the gas pretty hard. It ended up being the damn parking brake being engaged :) dumb me...

BrooklynBay said:
At least you know the parking brake works. :D
that's what my dad said when he saw me trying to pull out of the drive way lolol
