removing rear rotors | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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removing rear rotors


August 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Benton Harbor, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Explorer Sport
I must be missing something but i cannot figure it out. I have removed the calipers and the star washers on the lugs. It looks like nothing else is holding the rotor on, but I cannot pull it off! What am I missing or do I need a BFH!!! (Bigger Hammer)

BTW it is a 2001 Explorer Sport



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A bigger hammer might work. More than likely your emergency brake shoes are holding it there. Turn the adjuster wheel to loosen them and try again.

Some time's the rotors get frozen on, make sure the parking break isnt holding it up but i've had to really to take out some aggression on some rotors to get them off. Also try hitting the axle shaft, that usually help's free them up. You can also try prying on the rotor as you're hitting it to get it off.

Duh! I didn't realize the emergency brake had a drum type system on the INSIDE of the rotor! That is more than likely the problem because I was thinking "man, this feels just like the old drum brakes on the f-100!" as I was prying on the rotor. I'll let y'all know how it turns out!


problem solved!

YEP, THAT WAS IT...emergency brake pads sticking was part of the problem. The other side the rotor was frozen to the center hub...just took a bigger hammer! Thanks to all who responded!

Glad you got her done!
