Replace Cat Converter on 03 Mountaineer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replace Cat Converter on 03 Mountaineer


November 29, 2010
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downers grove,il
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 mountaineer
I have the P0420 code, degraded right bank converter. I have looked at Rock Auto for a new converter...Eastern Cataltic for $540. Any thoughts on what to buy and according to my manual doesn't look all that hard, other than taking out a crossmember ??

I have 185,000 miles.



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I also need to replace cats on my 03 explorer... I was told that i needed only the 2 cats coming down from the engine... I quoted them at 69 each... They will charge me 80 each to install them .... But he also told me that i needed california emission ready cats and those are waaay more expensive... Is that true? Why would i need to pay more for cats complying california if i live in texas?? :(

My Mounty has 3 Cats in one. It is Y shaped with a left and right bank cat and then joins downstream to a single cat and out the tail pipe.. It comes as a whole unit. Maybe your Explorer is a Calif. emissions style car ?

Mine iz just like yours... I came to the ford dealership and they say the tag says california compliant .. But not california emissions ... I dont understand....

Do you think it would make the cel to come on if i do the universal ones?

For what it's worth… On my 4.6 I cut out my third cat and hollowed out my other two and am still not throwing any O2 sensor codes.

IBut he also told me that i needed california emission ready cats and those are waaay more expensive... Is that true? Why would i need to pay more for cats complying california if i live in texas?? :(

California has it's own set of standards and compliance rules over other states when it comes to vehicle engine emissions of any kind, including small engine devices such as lawn mowers, grass trimmers, leaf blower etc. Lots of Liberals and Tree Huggers in California and they get their way there. Don't know why you have to be California emission compliant while living in Texas.

I was told that it was the case because the expplorer cane out of the fabric being california compliant and that there is a chip that measures the emissions and they are already set and if I replace the cats with ones not being california emissions compliant the check engine light will turn on... I dont have the money to install the californianones so i will test my luck and will buy the regular one... Will post here the results.. Thanks guys for your time...

I was told that it was the case because the expplorer cane out of the fabric being california compliant and that there is a chip that measures the emissions and they are already set and if I replace the cats with ones not being california emissions compliant the check engine light will turn on......

See if it's possible and what it would cost to replace the "computer chip" that controls emissions, might be cheaper than the California cats.

The third cat is not monitored so it can be deleted to save some money (that's what I did). I used California spec. cats not because of Ca, but because they are made better and perform much better. The issue with the cheaper cats is they don't work very well and the downstream O2 sensor will sometimes still throw a code. I had two Cal. spec converters installed, the third removed, out the door for about $500. I would shop around. Two years later no problems, codes, etc.

As long as you have your O2 Sensors still hooked up, you shouldn't throw no codes. I had the cats removed on my '91 mustang, just had the o2 sensors in the straight pipes where the cats were. No codes. Pass emissions? Maybe or maybe not. Don't have testing around here.

As long as you have your O2 Sensors still hooked up, you shouldn't throw no codes. I had the cats removed on my '91 mustang, just had the o2 sensors in the straight pipes where the cats were. No codes. Pass emissions? Maybe or maybe not. Don't have testing around here.

Not trying to argue but a 91' OBDI car isn't anywhere near the same thing as an OBDII+ car. In newer vehicles O2 sensors do monitor Cat. efficiency/performance that's exactly what the P0420 code is.

Here is a good video on it:

I would like to answer the original question. I have some thoughts. STAY AWAY from that direct-fit kit from Eastern Catalytic, especially on Rock Auto. I bought it on Rock Auto and it was a big mistake. In the past, I have been employed by a fab shop, and I have worked around many different skill levels of welders. This Eastern Catalytic y pipe looks like it was made by a high school shop class, where everyone got to take a turn practicing welding for their first time on this one y pipe.

Eastern Catalytic drop ships these items direct from their location. The pipes are just put in a big box without any packaging material and then handed off to the FedEx driver. The first time someone from FedEx picks up the box, it falls completely apart. So the hardware and clamps will probably be missing. On the invoice, they tape over the Eastern Catalytic name and address and stamp it with Rock Auto's info. Do not try to call them, as they will not lift a finger to help and suggest you take it up with the retailer, Rock Auto.

I love Rock Auto, and shop their often. However, their relationship with Eastern Catalytic is not any good. If you replace them, spend just a little bit more money and get the Magnaflow direct fit kit. This is not an area you want to cheap out on like I did.

Of course, hacking them out always works too.
