replaced fuel lines now no start. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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replaced fuel lines now no start.


Well-Known Member
April 26, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Memphis, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'15 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid
Ok, so I finally got my gas tank dropped and replaced the fuel lines and the battery but now it still won't start. I hear the fuel pump give a hum or whine everytime I turn the key but it sits there and just won't turn over. Every once in a while it will act like it is about to crank and then go back to just turning. I'm really about to the end of my patience with the truck but I really like the body style and want to keep it. Any ideas what I can check next?

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Ok, so I finally got my gas tank dropped and replaced the fuel lines and the battery but now it still won't start. I hear the fuel pump give a hum or whine everytime I turn the key but it sits there and just won't turn over. Every once in a while it will act like it is about to crank and then go back to just turning. I'm really about to the end of my patience with the truck but I really like the body style and want to keep it. Any ideas what I can check next?

Fuel pressure regulator? Definitely sounds like it could be a lack of fuel. My next step would be to confirm you have proper fuel pressure at the "fuel rail" via the rail mounted schrader valve and a fuel presure gauge.

I don't know why I didn't think of that. I'll check it out

Fuel pressure regulator? Definitely sounds like it could be a lack of fuel. My next step would be to confirm you have proper fuel pressure at the "fuel rail" via the rail mounted schrader valve and a fuel presure gauge.

My fuel rail has no schrader valve on it. Unless you're talking about the valve that is under the hood close to the throttle body. The one that looks like a valve stem. When I press it in nothing comes out, so I'm thinking I may have the lines on backward since I had to fab them up. I couldn't find a set like them at the JY and I'm not paying $280 at the parts store.

Anything else I can check? How?
Or does me getting nothing out of the valve mean that I definitely got the lines on backward?

take the fuel filter back off and run the pump again to see if fuel is getting there.
