Replacing a vibration damper on a 2008 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing a vibration damper on a 2008 Explorer


New Member
October 7, 2012
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Oahu, Hawaii
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Explorer XLT
I have a 2008 Explorer XLT w/4.0l. While waiting in the McD's drive thru I had this thud and thought someone either rear-ended me or a coconut fell onto the car. When I started driving and realized I had no power steering or brakes I knew it was more serious. Pulling over and looking I thought the belt broke. It was loose and I tried pulling it off but found no ends! I Looked really closer and saw the crankshaft pulley/vibration damper metal piece with the belt dividers sitting on the splash shield. The belt pulley separated from the rest of it! I looked thru a lot of forums and didn't find another like this.
How hard is it to change this damper? I see from parts drawings there's a single bolt thru the center into the shaft. I could probably get this bolt out with my electric impact wrench but would removing the remaining piece present problems? How is the new one installed? Anything I should be aware of or leave the job to Goodyear?

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You might need more then your electric impact somtimes those bolts are very tight so you may want to grease up your elbows. As far as removing it you will need a puller to do so. You may have to remove the fan and radiator so you have room to work but I have never done that job on these newer explorers.

if the engine is running you dont lose brake assist to brakes.

you need a harmonic balancer puller.

You're right about the brakes. I don't know why I thought I didn't have them. Just lost the power steering.

check the 3rd gen section, this is not unusual but not uncommon with the 4.0L if i remember right. You'd think by '08 . . .

check the 3rd gen section, this is not unusual but not uncommon with the 4.0L if i remember right. You'd think by '08 . . .

08 have a different damper then the 04-05 think 06 also.

Yeah, there's not much about replacing the crank pulley/balancer on the gen IV forum, but there's plenty on the Gen III forum. I replaced mine on my '03 X back in '08. The hardest part was getting all the crap out of the way so I could get good access to the pulley. I got the bolt off by lashing a breaker bar against the frame and bumped the starter. I used a cheap bolt puller kit from Harbor Freight to get the pulley off.
