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Request for help - Survey

2013 Limited 4WD V6
Rating - 5
I notice the vibration as I pull away from EVERY stop. Every red light, every stop sign, every commute in stop and go traffic. I'd compare the feeling to having the shivers or too much caffeine.

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2013 Base 4WD V6
Rating = 6
My car is currently in the shop and I was given a 2011 XLT 4WD V6 that seems to vibrate as well, although it's not as pronounced as the one that I own. So far, I have driven two brand new 2013's and one 2011 (33,000 miles on odometer) and have noticed the vibration while accelerating from a stop in all three.

Out 2011 XLT 4WD still continues to experience this issue. It's minor, but it's there. Have had it looked at repeatedly; the response is always "tech can't reproduce it" and "your tires balanced perfectly". I suspect it's elsewhere in the driveline, like the output shaft, etc.


Has anyone replaced the tires on their Ex yet? Specifically, is anyone running something other than the factory supplied Hankook's? I'm wondering if that changes the ride noticeably, especially for anyone with a vibration.

I've decided to turn the process over to an attorney after all, and will be including these responses in the paperwork. Thank you everyone for your input! My goal is to keep folks informed as the process progresses, to the limit I'm allowed by any contractual obligations imnposed with the outcome: I mention that as it is remarkably difficult to find any real-life stories from folks who have been through the process.

I have sent the link to this thread to the attorney who will be handling the case. Please feel free to continue adding your results.


"0" Thus far. Our now 5-month old baby girl enjoys the smooth ride everytime =)

Might I suggest taking a look your wheel alignment? Not an expert but I've had the same experience with a new Nissan X-trail before and the wheel alignment at a Goodyear service center solved the issue quicker than the Nissan Dealer could say "uhhhh i dont know".

I seem to remember this vibration issue coming up before. In our Ford manuals for the 2011 explorers it states if equipped with the 20" Hanooks there will be flatspots in them for a few miles especially in cold weather. I'd venture to say that people without vibrations have the Michelin tires and most issues are with the Hanooks. I have the Hanooks and when in Mn. in the cold this is what I have. But, when in Florida in the winter it is almost gone when it is warmer. By the way they have 35000 miles on them and look new.

rating = 6 I do have vibration issue with my 2011 EX-limited with 20" Hanooks tire

We have a 2011 XLT FWD and it has no vibration issues. Ill rate it a 0.

One of the best things about my 2011 Explorer Limited is the smooth ride. Only time I get a vibration is when I ride over the railroad tracks!

Hi Randy,

Have you tried going to any Automotive Service Retailers other than your local dealer? May I suggest looking into your wheel alignment and wheel balance. Check the wear of your tires too. Is the wear on the inner or outer side? You can have those diagnosed for cheaper price than the dealer.

Again, the ride comfort of our EX at 2,000+kms is smooth.

1) 2011 Ford Explorer Limited 4WD
2) 5/10

I sometimes feel a vibration after hitting a bump in the road. It really does feel like an out of balance tire. If I accelerate more the vibration gets worse. This happens very rarely though.

i think, scratch that, know that you guys should be putting tire/wheel size/brand on your info. it is probably going to be THE most important thing.

2011 ltd w/hankooks. 18k miles...0 vibration.

The service tech is claiming that my Explorer has a vibration but that it is normal for the vehicle.

Buyer Beware.

The service tech is claiming that my Explorer has a vibration but that it is normal for the vehicle.

Buyer Beware.

Hi RandyH2,

I see from this thread that you've retained the services of an attorney. Unfortunately, I cannot assist you since all communication must now occur through our legal team.


The service tech is claiming that my Explorer has a vibration but that it is normal for the vehicle.

Buyer Beware.

That is the same as what I've experienced, but that is after they replaced the PTO but now they are telling me it is normal.

I've had 4 adult riders tell me seperately that they choose not to ride with me any more because the ride is just to uncomfortable.

My experience with Ford over this is totally unacceptable...and the regional Ford guy was totally worthless and very unprofessional in my opinion.

I had a 2008 Chevy trailblazer and a 2009 Honda Pilot before I went out and bought this 2011 Explorer...both rode smooth as silk compared to the Explorer.

I bought a new F250 and was picking it up in Richmond Virginia and the dealer picked me up at the airport in a new 2012 Explorer, the ride was great which is why I traded my Pilot in for the Explorer....the rides are like night and day...unfortunately due to the poor roads where I live you really can't see it unless you cross the bridge and drive on the smooth roads in Iowa or travel out of town as I do...after a 3 hour trip you can't wait for it to be over.

Within the next 2 weeks I will be trading my Explorer in for a Toyota, Honda or Lexus.....will never buy another Ford including for my business which is 2-3 a year for as long as I live....I expect a manufacturer to stand behind their products, which I was very surprised by Fords poor response on this issue.

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I can understand having an engineering tolerance for vibration but I find it hard to believe that this much vibration could be considered "normal" by anyone. Having the dealership claim it is normal and Ford corporate unable or unwilling to do anything to fix it just reinforces the horrible expectations I have for Ford, or any other domestic brand, when I walk in the doors of a dealership. Hopefully some day they can bring the customer experience up to the level it should be at. People have told me the new (2013+) Explorer is much better than the '11-'12. The dealership is still the same. What a shame, as I think Ford is on the right track with their design and engineering- I can excuse the problems with mine as it being a bad sample or quality control at the manufacturing level. What I can not excuse is their lack of interest in repairing what is obviously, by any layman's standards, a defective vehicle.
