RFX9000 MP3 Player | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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RFX9000 MP3 Player


Elite Moderator
Moderator Emeritus
April 25, 2000
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City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 JK
Hey all, I'm finally replacing my head unit and the stock CD changer. Both still work well, but I decided my aftermarket 4 corners and subs finally need something good powerering them. I'm going with Rockford Fosgate because most of my other components are RF: my 4 5x7 2ways and my 100a2 (168a2) amp that powers the JL subs. I'm getting the 9000 unit which is an in-dash CD/MP3 unit that can play MP3 encoded CDs. I figure that with 180+ songs on a disc, I don't need a changer. The head unit is 25x4 Watts RMS and should do nicely. My wholesaler is currently out of stock (the unit just came out), but I should have it in the next few weeks. I'm getting it for about $280, retail is $400. I already got the wiring harness adapter, amp bypass kit, and mounting kit from Circuit City. I'll post pics when it's all done.

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BTW, I'll be selling my factory Premium head unit and CD changer, so look out for them in the for sale forum; but tell me if you're interested now before I post them there.

No flaming intended, but Fosgate suck. Very poor quality. Their stuff is getting cheaper(quality) every year--especially their amps. I guess there is a possibility that the head units are good though. Not saying that your system sucks (it is actually cool) but fosgate just isnt what it used to be. Their new stuff is really good but it doesnt compare to te fosgate of the past.Old School Fosgate Rocks!! If I was gonna get a MP3 HU I would get the Kenwood model. JVC also has one but I'm not sure if they are out yet.

I will soon post pics of my mobile MP3 system. It consists of a Pentium 2 motherboard, 30 gig HD, and DVD player and a CD writer. The monitor is a 9.5 inch active matrix VGA (flat screen). It is controlled using a MP3 specific wireless remote that will be controlling winamp. It runs on win98 lite. Completely home built! If anyone has any ideas on a good place to mount the monitor please let me know.

Try the Kenwood

I have the Kenwood MP-8017 MP3 deck. $299 shipped from Below Retail Audio. It's very nice.


Glad to here you like that head Unit.

That is the one I just ordered.

Does anyone know if Alpine make an in dash mp3 player yet? I their new line of headunits is awesome. And cheap. Their peices dropped alot. I'm a die hard Alpine fan I wont be getting an mp3 player until alpine makes one. All Ive ever had is alpine and they are extremely good quality. Robbie

Well, the RF headunit still isn't out and I need the unit soon for some road trips, so I ordered an Aiwa CDC-MP3 headunit. With all the mounting/adapter stuff and shipping, it was $315 from Crutchfield. I was already leaning towards it: I like the looks of it and that it has changer controls if I ever want to add a CD changer. So, no RF unit for me! I'll post some pics next week when I get the Aiwa unit installed, and I'll tell ya how the darn thing works!
