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Rims That Fit


Elite Explorer
December 6, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Montrose, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 X-Edge
Rims that fit may not be rated for these heavy trucks. I found a few used rims from other than Ford, but every rim I looked-up was not rated heavy enough for these Explorers. I found that the rim should be rated for the axle with the highest weight rating. That's the rear in most cases and you divide the axle weight rating by 2. The jeep rims I was considering come-up way short of what I would run on an X.

This site has good specs for rims: Ford Explorer 2000 - Wheel & Tire Sizes, PCD, Offset and Rims specs

I am considering some 18's, alloy 5 spoke but have yet to find something I like, that fits, and that is rated for the load the X places on them.

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Well, while on the subject no 18" wheels spec to Explorer either so...

going to more wheel = less rubber. Less shock absorbing and higher risk of wheel stress-bending. Considering your concern, this should be taken in to account also.

I worried about that when I bought a set of 18's in 2006. I didn't find fast feasible load information for the vehicles or some wheels. So I did what most people do, took a shot but didn't get the thinnest/weakest looking things. I ended up with wheels that weigh about 31lbs each, very heavy, and typical for a "cheap" cast aftermarket choice.

Please post any references to useful load information, what should adequate wheels be capable of for these 4500lbs SUV's?

I have a used set of forged 17's that I hope to get fixed and refinished soon. These weigh 22lbs each and are made for Jap/ricer cars, big reputation in those circles. I've tended to always stick with OEM wheels, mainly for looks since I don't like 99% of aftermarket stuff.

I am searching for another set of late 90's Mustang GT wheels, a split five spoke wheel. I need them for snow tires since my old ones are ten years old and need to be worn out.

Volk Wheels - Gt-C.jpg

I ran 3 different sets of mustang wheels on a 2nd gen explorer/mountaineer without issue is my younger days(12+ years ago). 1 set was oem 17s and the other two sets were both replica 18x9s running 255/55 tires. Then again things are being made do cheaply now not sure I'd do it again without the proper research your doing.

I have a used set of forged 17's that I hope to get fixed and refinished soon. These weigh 22lbs each and are made for Jap/ricer cars, big reputation in those circles. I've tended to always stick with OEM wheels, mainly for looks since I don't like 99% of aftermarket stuff.

Nice :thumbsup: Those are Volk Racing GT-C. I looked at forged wheels for my Paseo, but were way out of my price range...
