roof rack OR rear swingout tire carrier...?? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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roof rack OR rear swingout tire carrier...??

Here is a link to my registry. I'll add some new pics now that it's cleaned up and painted.

I used the same ems kit that midnight did.

ooooo pretty lol. i like the tire carrier kit. comes with everything even the backstop. it says its poly but then how would you weld it to the bumper? or am i missing something??

this is what im going for.. plus the swing out on top, with the hinge on the passengerside

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i didnt find a picture with the backstop mounted but then again i dont know if i went through all the pictures.

your stock bumper did give me an idea for a solution to the tire sitting so high. i am going to toss around the idea of building a sort of step in the center of the bumper (where your oem bumper drops down for a tow ball/step is) and im going to mount the tire in that area, 1 so i dont have to lift the tire up and down so high, 2 so that ill have something to rest the tire on if i have to change tires and im by myself, 3 so it (hopefully) wont obstruct the rear glass so much

That was my original plan but changed my mind when I made the wooden mock up carrier. Having the tire up above the bed alittle also let's me know where the back of my tire is too so I don't back into anything.

thats a good idea. im pretty good about knowing where the ass end of whatever im driving is. but im pretty sure ill still be able to see the top 3 inches or so if the tire even with it sitting so low...

Here's the link to the photobucket album of my swingout tire carrier build, I know there's tons of pictures but I wanted to document it thoroughly because it is the first and only swingout tire carrier on a Sport Trac that's built onto the truck not just a hitch mounted one like Tiregate makes.!cpZZ17QQtppZZ24

The pictures of the rubber isolator pad is start on page 17 and the smal red thumb tab that Kevlar asked about is on page 22. there's more detailed pictures of both parts throughout the album.

Good deal I took a bunch pictures of my dads Hanson tire carrier and plan on using most of that design but ill be changing a few things i dont like so much

The thing about overbuilding something is that you are still able to pull your friends out when they discovered that their "saticfactory build" stuff isn't!

That is true. I think im going to but the hf torch welder kit before I start getting the metal bought

go with the ems offroad kit midnight rebel linked to earlier. For $20 bucks more, you get the same hinge, plus the latch, plus the pre-drilled plate for bolting up the tire.

If you are comfortable with that size spindle then you are 100% right, it is a great deal. I prefer to error on the side of BEEF!, but I may go to the other kit manufacturer for the rest of the details.

Ahh, I didn't notice the size difference. It's only 1/4" difference though.

The ems spindle is strong enough so far. With my swingout open, I sat my fat a** on the end of it, along with 10 gallons of gas. I decided to get off when the truck frame started bending so far, I was beginning to think it might be past the point of springing back.

Ya, my EMS spindle is more than strong enough, the frame flex's but not the spindle.

Thats a good point with the kit. So which spindle is smaller and/or stronger??

I wouldn't worry about the EMS spindle breaking, I've hung and bounced on my tire carrier when it was open and like I said, the frame flexed not the bumper or the spindle.

ok cool. all im planing on putting on it is a 31/33" tire, one or two gas cans and at most a hi-lift jack and maybe a shovel...

if thats not to much to ask lol

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One or 2 gas cans can be pretty heavy. I have full faith in the kit Rebel got though because he makes sure to build it so it won't break lol.
