Running board lamps on the non lighted running board explorers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Running board lamps on the non lighted running board explorers


June 9, 2012
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1997 ford explorer XLT
About 2 weeks ago i had decided instead of buying the lighted running boards from a limited explorer i thought well why not buy leds from a parts store and apply then to the running boards similar to a chevy trail blazer. so i went to the store and bought a set of truck bed lights that apply to the bed of a truck (f-150,ram,ect) and connected them to the interior lights that way they would light up to when the door was opened or by the unlock of the key fob. and they did work with little of effort using double sided tape and connecting them to the little light inside the door (95-97) explorers. if any one is interested i will do my first write up on a how to accomplish running board lamps on plain running boards.

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Post a pic I put running lights on my roof it's amazing how a few lights change the look of a vehicle

Post a pic I put running lights on my roof it's amazing how a few lights change the look of a vehicle
thats a mighty fine good idea to post a picture but being new to the site and the very little active time i dont know how. haha my apologies

Post a pic I put running lights on my roof it's amazing how a few lights change the look of a vehicle
If you go to my profile its my profile picture its very small but you can see the lights since they are on.

Looks good I like it


I upload to photo bucket phone app
Then copy the img URL and paste it in here
Like this


Once you up load to photo bucket and you select the pic in the bottom right corner is a circle w an "I" in it tap that then tap the bottom URL and it'll copy it then past in here
