running lumpy | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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running lumpy


Well-Known Member
March 7, 2008
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2000 v north face
my new new purchase is ticking over and running at low revs, sub 1500, very lumpy. the car rocks a little.
i'm gonna clean the maff and reset the ecu, but does anyone have any other ideas of what to look at, clean, change, etc.


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do you know if the inlet manifold seals have been changed mate, that could make her lumpy if they are old and brittle?

do you know if the inlet manifold seals have been changed mate, that could make her lumpy if they are old and brittle?

hmm, that a good shout that pal ;)

when i drop it into backwards, she usually stalls, i think a oom12 kit and the manifold gaskets are looming.

cheers pal, how you been anyhow?


hmm, that a good shout that pal ;)

when i drop it into backwards, she usually stalls, i think a oom12 kit and the manifold gaskets are looming.

cheers pal, how you been anyhow?


Been fine mate, had a poor run of luck, but way better now!
My mate is missing (pork chop Si), but He is fine and well. Lol!

Been fine mate, had a poor run of luck, but way better now!
My mate is missing (pork chop Si), but He is fine and well. Lol!

tell me about it :rolleyes:

keep going fella, alls well that ends well and all that.
hope all changes, and soon for you fella :thumbsup:


yup, looking like inlet manifold.
popped the bonnet and i can now here a hissing, before i remove does anyone have anything else.


vacuum lines, IAC and air filter.
Check the vac lines under either side of the plenum 1/2 way back (the L shape connectors have a white plastic clip to hold them in place). The L connectors can break as the platic clip gets brittle.
There are also two vac hoses on the back of the plenum on either side along with all the thin ones around the top of the engine.
