Sanding Black Roof Racks? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sanding Black Roof Racks?


November 27, 2007
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He guys I actually took my roof racks off the other night on my 05 and I realized that they were metal. How would I go about sanding them into a polished aluminum look? I want to get the chrome ones eventually but when I realized that these were metal I thought I could sand them into what I wanted.

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Personally I would wet sand with 600 grit and then use a rattle can of chrome paint. Be sure to use a clear top coat so they wear well.

Can you not sand them down & polish, then use a good clear coat over the bare metal?

Ok I've sanded them down but I have another question...they look great except for these dark patches throughout. I can't get it off with sanding OR polishing. What should I do?

Almost all metal...

The corners are plastic... and they pop out easily against the wind once you take the off the first couple times.:(

give us a pic of them. i don't know how you'll get the spots out you're talking about!

I will get some pics soon, but it almost looks kind of like oxidation or something. They are patches that are a bit darker than the rest of the metal...they are as smoothe as the rest, just darker. Pics up as soon as I can!

I will get some pics soon, but it almost looks kind of like oxidation or something. They are patches that are a bit darker than the rest of the metal...they are as smoothe as the rest, just darker. Pics up as soon as I can!

well if theyre smooth too, then paint should stick to them pretty well... i suggest krylon fusion for ur job... they say its "paint for plastics" and ive put it on my trim but it also sticks to metal like u wouldnt believe... its the most adhesive paint ive ever seen in a spray can


Yeh I've heard a lot of good things about Fusion do they have it in Chrome and would I have to put a clear coat on too? I would like to be able to polish the aluminum so I wouldn't have to worry at all about the paint coming off etc. I might look into it though! Thanks!

I just saw that Fusion does not come in chrome. What is the best chrome paint you guys know of?

well if u really want chrome, i guess fusion cant please all... fusion works very well alone and is adhesive enough, but like any paint, it slowly fades overtime, although from personal expirience, it fades much slower than other paints... if u add a clearcoat, it helps to preserve it and it will probably last much longer... i suggest getting minwax gloss polyurethane as a clear coat... it puts a light layer of polyurethane over the paintjob and makes it look much more uniform

I think the patches are just oxidation. I have seen that there are ways to remove oxidation by soaking in certain solutions, does anybody have any suggestions on this?

I really want to avoid painting the racks since the paint could come off with time. I'd like to be able to polish them.

what are they made out of? Seems like a product from Zep would work. check them out

Try this stuff out it worked great on my snowmoblie. Then clear coat!!


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