SCEXPLORER PRERUNNER BUMPER | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I just wanted to let you all know that this past two days i've been working on a prerunner style bumper. I decided to leave my stock bumper because i wasn't sure if the bumper i would make would be strong enough to be on its own. This is my first time trying to do something like this so the next one will be much better. I basically just used a hydraulic bar bender from harbor freight, 220V Mig welder, grinder, and pipes and plates. Overall I spent around $40 in materials. So pretty good for a grill. I'll post pics up this week.

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Here's my pictures. This is my first attempt. My next one will require my stock bumper to be taken off.





man that looks damn sweet!! i want one! lol


Wish I could find one like that for a 93, mine has factory driving lights, and I do not want to take them off. Good job on yours though!!!!:bounce:

No company really makes one for explorers so in order to get one you would need some shop to fab you up one and they cost from 375-500 dollars to make so I decided for that much I better just try to make one myself.


hey man,
you say your going to build another one? When you do, you want to give me that one? Or mabye, ill even buy it off of you. I like the looks of that alot!

Here's my matching rear i made also.




hey that front pre runner bumper kicks said it only cost you like 40 bux to fab one up. I bet you could sell about 30 of those pups on this sight and and if you wanted to get into to it all.

if not, you can still ship one to me out here in Minneapolis.


Make that Two to Minneapolis :)
Anyway nice job, looks great


Those look very nice, but I am wondering how much of an impact they could absorb since they are only bolted to the bumpers it seems?

Do you have any pics of the mounting points?

hey man

Make me on of those Front Bumpers and I'll buy it from you.. I have the money

I would be interested in the rear bumper if frame mounted. It looks so good. If you're not interested in making them, could show take some close up pics?

I want a front.

I'm glad you are all interested. I think me and my friend are going to start making some to sell but i need to improve on my welding first before i start selling. As for impact, i have one mount to the frames.(The same mount as my manik brush gaurd) and another set of mounts to my bumper. Just to add extra stability. With the just the frame mounts it held up pretty well. Of course, it won't be as strong as if you took off your stock bumper and added more frame mounts which I am currently working on. But this requires cutting off your ugly frame mounts .

As you can see in the picture, I use the same mounting plate as the manik grill gaurd. I'm making another one that can be bolted directly to the frame.


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As for the back, My design is a lot better. I have to tubes bolted straight onto the bumper which will absorb the impact. That's why i had to mount my liscense plate on the outside.

very sweet work for your first try! I'll raise my hand in interest for a front one....

How does the rear one mount? I would really like one. I like how it kind of protects the rear bumper (very important in the Chicago area where you almost need to tap bumpers to parallel park).

I'd even be a guinea pig as you develop your welding skills :). I don't need it painted as I will herculine it.

Let me know what you would charge for one and how much it weighs so I can help you figure out shipping.



you can email me at

THanks for the compliments. I'm actually almos done with my next bumper. A lot cleaner. Just lagging cus college is taking too much of my time.

The rear bumper is bolted to the back of the bumper where the license plate was and on the bottom flat part of the bumper. It holds up pretty well and doesn't even vibrate. I had my fat buddy jump all over it and the whole car just shook. i'll try to take pics over the weekend.

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Hey...I resemble the fat guy comment!! :D hehehe

So what would it take for you to make me one of those rear bumpers? I have '94 that I would like to put it on. I like that it is not a permanent mount so that it can be easily taken off for repainting and reuse on my next truck. I really, really, really, really want one... :bounce:

I feel like a little kid trying to get his parents to buy somethin'.... is over rated. :D Just think...this could be the beginning of a new fabricating business for you, and you already have a potential client base of 1000's....

(Is this at all helping my chances of getting one of your rear bumpers? :) )

Email me:

