Scored at the Salvage Yard today | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Scored at the Salvage Yard today


Elite Explorer
November 6, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Des Moines, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01,'02, '04 Sport Tracs,
I went to the salvage yard today just to see what they'd gotten in since my last trip several weeks ago. Started rather bittersweet. From the parking lot I spotted my son's wrecked '97 Mountaineer. As I entered the yard, I saw my '94 Explore at the opposite end of the row from the Mounty. I got the Ventshades and the remaining splash guard from the Mounty. (Got the other splash guard when I took the (3) wheels off as part of the settlement, but the tire was flat and shoved into the fender on the right front.)

Then in one of the back rows, I found an '01 Sport. I was short on time before they closed, but I got the hood ($63.29), right front fender ($15.90), front bumper cover ($49.57), both headlights ($44.50), the Sport/ST specific console insert ($5.29), console floor bracket (n/c) plus the Ventshades and splash guard from the Mountaineer (n/c). Pretty good haul for $189.27, with a bonus as the Sport is black like my '01.

When I go back for the other fender, what else should I try to get? I'll probably get the front section of the "tupperware". Anything else?

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I would get the cruise control buttons if they are in good shape.

The cruise buttons and air bag are gone.

I'll probably try to get the tow hooks to put on my '02 ST.

I went back today to get more parts off the '01 Sport. The other fender had a couple of sizable dents, so I opted not to get it. I did find the air bag laying in the back, so I got it, even though it's the wrong color ($39.09), the front section of tupperware from both sides ($31.78), and the instrument cluster ($31.79). From another Explorer, I got good cruise control buttons ($8.46). My '01 needs the cruise buttons and air bag. The best part was $10.60 for "misc parts". Those misc parts included the tow hooks, 3 sets of the Explorer lettering, and the trailer pigtail, all from the Sport, and a console bag I found in another Explorer!.

Tow hooks for a fraction of $10?! Nice!

I really need to make time to go to the yards around me.

Console bag for a fraction of $10, too. It's a little misshapen and dirty from parts laying on it, but should clean up well. One sold for $35 on e-bay recently, and that's the cheapest I've seen. My '02 is/was missing the bag.

I've been doing business with the one guy there for over 15 years. He either outright gives me something, or seriously discounts something, every time - like the fender for $15 Wed. He said "I'm only going to charge you $15 for that fender. It's pretty rough." I said, "It's just that one spot. The rest of it's in pretty good shape." He said, "It's pretty rough. I'm telling you." By then I figured out he was just giving me a deal. The other guys don't do that. They charge me the regular price.
