seafoam disaster - missing fires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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seafoam disaster - missing fires


November 5, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Pataskala, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
'07 Sport Trac Limted V8
Help me, please!

Yesterday I ran Seafoam through my '99 SOHC 4.0. I used the IAC method, and slowly funneled the entire can into the running engine. There were some hesitations, but never a stall. Once the whole can was in I shut it down and let it sit for about 15 minutes. It did begin with the white/blue smoke before the entire can was in.

Afterwards, start 'er up. Lots of smoke and a bouncy idle. Drove down to an empty street, and throttled up to 2k and held it there until the smoke cleared. Temp gauge never moved above halfway. CEL light came on, but no change in running while at 2k. Went home after the smoke stopped, shut it down. Later that night, started it and it bounced around, shaking the whole truck. CEL still on. It calmed down after a minute, so this morning I drove to work. 10 miles there with no problem. After work, I head to Advance Auto to read and clear the code. They tell me it’s a misfire on #5, and will not clear the code incase I need dealer diagnostic. So I come home, and it starts getting worse. CEL starts flashing, then back to solid, then flashing, and so on.

I check the plug for #5, and it looks good. Getting a huge spark. Check to make sure the distributor is sparking the rest, and all are throwing. Engine still runs like crap at idle, and the CEL is still on. I cleaned the IAC and the hoses and fittings, but no improvement.

Any help or suggestions are much appreciated.


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I had the same CEL code a few weeks back and it was a bad plug wire. I don't know if that has anything to do with sea foam, it could just be a coincidence. You can check your plug wires and see if they have any cracks. Maybe someone else will have some more suggestions.

Welcome to the site.

You need to clear the computers memorty and get rid of the code first and foremost

I would remove the EEC fuse in the power dist box for a few minutes, then try again, see if the CEL comes back

My plugs had a ton of buildup after I seafomed the engine. I changed them and all was well.

Looking in my owner's manual I do not see an EEC fuse.

Is it the 30Amp PCM Power Relay?

Try fuse #19 in driver compartment fuse box=25A
My 98 manual shows that to be the PCM power diode fuse

in power distribution box, there are 2 pcm fuses, small #6, and maxi #10

Tried to clear the computer by pulling fuse #19 in the dash. No luck after 5 minutes. CEL was still on. I'm gonna try a longer time, but if anyone has any other thoughts, I am still open for ideas.


What plugs does eveyone recommend? I've got Bosch Platinums in there now, been in for about 2 years with no trouble. Some people say only to go woth the Motorcraft plugs. Any ideas? If I cannot get the CEL to clear by morning, I'll be off to the store for new plugs and want to get the best I can so my Exploder doesn't live up to its nickname.

Thanks again!

leave your battery cables off over night. motorcraft plugs.


It coud be your fuel injetor. This will throw a misfire code as well. It might be possible that it got cloged by carbon breaking loose from the Sea Foam treatment.

I do not think that it is an injector, becuase the exhaust smells really rich, lots of unburnt fuel. Good to know though!

Change the plugs-wires first
Please report your results

I'm kind of with Dan, wondering if the valve seats might be contaminated-loss of compression.
Or should I say "a valve seat"

If sea foam loosened sludge onto your plug, your plug could be shorted, and not firing. That's like running on five out of six cylinders. Those platinum plugs should last a long time, so just take them out to clean them, and put them back if they appear to be good overall.

Today I picked up a OBDII COde Reader from WalMart ($100) and confirmed the error code. Still was a missfire on cylinder 5. I cleared the code, and restarted the engine. Still had a rough idle, and the code came back on the reader within 1 minute (CEL light did NOT come back on). I replaced the #5 plug with a Autolite platinum, and started the engine back up. The reader picked up the code, but after resetting it again, it has stayed off.

Short answer - Seafoam jacked my plugs.

I'll be replacing the other plugs Saturday, and am glad to have my own code reader now. Thank you all so much for your help. This seems to be a great community that I am happy to be part of.

And if any one in central Ohio wants a code read, I'd be happy to help.


Here is a link to the code reader I purchased:

It will read manufacturer specific codes, but just gives the code, not the definition. I'll need a factory service manual if I encounter 1 of those. It can clear the codes, and also monitors all of the emissions equipment after clearing the codes. I guess when you reset the PCM, all of the emissions stuff needs to "retest" itself, and may not perform 100% until this cycle completes. The scanner has individual indicators for different sensors like your O2, knock, catalyst, and Evaporative System.

On my truck, immediately after resetting all of the indicators were blinking (resetting themselves). After a few seconds, most were fine, but three were still blinking. After my regular commute today (about 8 miles 1 way) only the CATALYST indicator is still blinking. I hope I did not plug up my cat when I was trying to diagnose the misfiring plug. That was a good amount of gas going right into it. That plus the 84k miles might make it time for a new one. Time will tell.

The unit I got from Wal-Mart did not come with a PC connect USB or software, and I found the same unit with those items on Advance Auto parts website for about the same price. I may go and return at Walmart to get the Advance Auto Parts model. I am going to see what else it does. The manufactuer has the operator's guide on their website as a PDF. This is a good, free resource for getting the definitons of standard codes.

Let me know if anyone has any questions.


its usually recommened to change your plugs after a sea foam, treatment if its the first time on a high milage engine.

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That's because you're perfect, Al.
