Selling the EX 92 2wd 5spd | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Selling the EX 92 2wd 5spd

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It makes me sad to sell it but gas is just gonna keep going up. She runs great I have done many repairs. here is the ad for it. If any one is interested hit me up.

Before you sell, just make sure it's what you want. I know gas out there is most likely worse then here, but if you're plannign on getting a new car, how much will insurance/payments/gas run?

Good luck with the sale.

I will miss the EX

Gas is $3.99 87, $4.14 89, and $4.24 for premium. 20 gal tank $4gl =$80. I just cant afford it. I have nothing bad to say about my EX for the 2-3 years I owned her. Got a 98 subaru impreza 2.2l awd. much better on mileage.

Hey there! What size tires? You know it'll be at Shasta and Blue Canyon... what's the sound system like? Alarm? AC working ok?

Bump... where'd you go to? I wanna discuss this vehicle Tethy.

Sorry i am back

not sure the exact tire size the rims are 15inch the tires are big o at's. The ac doesnt work I recently had it recharged with 3 cans of r12 and it doesn't get cold...sound system is stock and plays fine, no alarm or anything fancy..just a good strong running truck I have spent alot of time and money on.

Okay, I see... so you bought a vehicle that fits you better, and you want to sell the 1st gen. I'd like to see more pics... this sounds like a very well kept vehicle.

Oops! Forgot to mention that this being for sale has to go through Rick, and be in the correct forum. Hold on, I'm sure it will be taken care of for you Tethy.


Sorry I did not know that.
