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Serious Exlorations

arsoul said:
sounds good show...we'll have a bunch of rigs up there so it'll be fun.

dreamy....i believe sultin and stossel are still open for day use hiking, but i doubt fishing is allowed up there.

MMMM Arsoul thinks I'm dreamy :eek:

Ahhhhh that was a typo right :D

It is still open to foot traffic, but I wanted to explore all them forgtotten Fire and Mining roads over there....... I still have a lot of country to explore in them mountains (on foot) but we never camp off of 2 so I figured it would be a good year to find me some nice isolated camping spots a little closer to home.....Still will be, but not up in the Sultin Basin I guess

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typo? hell no, you are dreamy....actually i was watching grey's anotomy and they were talking about some guy named mcdreamy...i changed the channel.

Sunday the 19th, meeting in Monroe at the McDonalds at 8:30am. So far theres 2 explorers, 1 ranger, 2 yotas, 1 Jeep, 1 Dodge Ramcharger and 1 Swiss military 6x6...should be fun. Mostly mild trails, wild for those who want it are available.

Oh yeah, he's dreamy alright. Look at the handle on the back of his head! ;)


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thats just wrong :eek:

I'm in for the 19th of March

wow. having ourselves a regular ole' explorer gatherin'!

Yup, should bring a BBQ and use this as our '06 NWEX gathering. Now we need to get Jrgaylor up there too. :D

I'll bring the off-road chuck wagon.....with a kitchen & bbq we'll eat like kings.............................................................

Dang, wish it wasn't a 3 hr + drive :( Have fun guys. ;)

Oh BTW I got off my rump and changed my front gear FINALLY! And put on some sliders to boot :)

we could have as many as 14 rigs on the 19th.....sweet action!!!

Where are we meeting? CB channel?

count me in on this.....i dont have a CB though. Also im on 33" A/T tires. heres its tread design. Ill be running on 15X10's so they will stick out further than what they are (these are mounted on the stock 15X7)


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meeting in monroe at the mcdonalds @ 8:30am. cb ch25. bring lunch. i plan on leaving to head home round 4-5pm.

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