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April 11, 2010
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'00 XLT
Is there anyone on this site that can make me a pair of shackles?
i've asked a couple people who have made them before but they're busy right now.

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Because they are pretty basic but i don't have the tools to do so.
It saves quite a bit of money.

I'm not trying to be a d!ck here at all, but what is "quite a bit of money" to you? You can find the Warriror shackles for like $70 shipped to your door. I doubt someone will be willing to fab you up a pair of that quality for THAT much cheaper than that...

Is there anyone on this site that can make me a pair of shackles?
i've asked a couple people who have made them before but they're busy right now.

From what I have been told by a suspension shop here in Michigan, shackles are something to avoid. I know a LOT of people on this site are shackle crazy, but, he says you are better off finding someone who can re-arc your leaf springs. I have a guy here who says he can give me 2-3 inches of permanent lift by adding a longer second leaf and re arcing the other to match it for $60 a side if it is off the vehicle. Better that way and stronger than extending the load force further out on a shackle.

From what I have been told by a suspension shop here in Michigan, shackles are something to avoid. I know a LOT of people on this site are shackle crazy, but, he says you are better off finding someone who can re-arc your leaf springs. I have a guy here who says he can give me 2-3 inches of permanent lift by adding a longer second leaf and re arcing the other to match it for $60 a side if it is off the vehicle. Better that way and stronger than extending the load force further out on a shackle.
Plenty of people run War-153s shackles without any problem. And re-arced leaf springs will eventually settle and will need to be re-arced again.

War-153s on flex - if it didnt break on a torsional flex such as this, it probably wont break on the highway.



Plenty of people run War-153s shackles without any problem. And re-arced leaf springs will eventually settle and will need to be re-arced again.

War-153s on flex - if it didnt break on a torsional flex such as this, it probably wont break on the highway.



No sag no need to re arc they way he does it. A He aneels it first the re arc then re temper! He said will NOT settle!

No sag no need to re arc they way he does it. A He aneels it first the re arc then re temper! He said will NOT settle!
If I lived closer to you, I'd take you up on a bet that, within the first few months, the springs will already settle at least 1/3" to 1/2". But I'm nowhere near you so it matters not. Heat treating them is fine and all - but its the weight of the vehicle thats going to settle it. Even stock springs settle over time - hence the infamous "gangster lean" we've all read about.

Guess ill be settling for the Warriors.
