Shaving emblems on a first gen. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shaving emblems on a first gen.

Like the title says, I'm looking for information on how to remove the badges from my 94 Limited.

I'd like to be able to take them off without damaging them, I'm thinking of doing the colour change to them so that the backing is black instead of blue, so that I can put them back on. I know if I do end up damaging them I'll have to weld the holes shut and just reattach with some type of adhesive, but I'd rather not do that, I'm doing my body work in the summer.

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A couple different ways you can go about it, heat gun and a plastic putty knife or you can use fishing line using a sawing motion...kinda like flossing your teeth.
No matter what you do you're gonna tear up the adhesive backing on the emblems to they won't be reusable. New one's from the dealer are pretty cheap anyways.

use a hair dryer then use fishing line and do the method as described above and then with the excess glue left on the body use bug and tar remover and i have heard wd-40 works too.

First Gen.

DB_1 said:
A couple different ways you can go about it, heat gun and a plastic putty knife or you can use fishing line using a sawing motion...kinda like flossing your teeth.
No matter what you do you're gonna tear up the adhesive backing on the emblems to they won't be reusable. New one's from the dealer are pretty cheap anyways.

Thanks, but my truck is a first gen. From what I understand there are some pins or something holding the emblems in, they have a few small holes behind them so I'm assuming something goes into them.

Some emblems have pins in addition to the adhesive backing to help line them up I'm guessing. That means there's holes in the sheet metal to recieve the pins. In the case of my Ranger, there was a nice big hole behind the G for whatever reason but nothing went into it :mad: so I ended up buying new emblems.

If there are pins stick some bondo in it to fill the hole go to auto zone and buy some paint that is the same as factory and paint the bondo

bondo over a hole is any thing but reliable.
It will poke through or fall out in no time
