Shout out to the Gen 4 Explorers!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shout out to the Gen 4 Explorers!!!


Well-Known Member
August 14, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Meridian, Idaho
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 XLT V6
I just wanted to say how good it felt this morning to out accelerate a 2021 Toyota 4Runner in my 07 4.0 EX with 3:73 gears! Got 155k on this baby and it still kicks a lot of ass! Person in the 4Runner was driving like a dick and their expression when my 14 year old Explorer outperformed a brand new Toyota was priceless!

Before owning my current 4th gen V8, I owned two 3rd gen V8 models. The 4th gen has plenty of power and surprises me with how well it can accelerate. I have yet been in a situation where it feels underpowered. Also, I think the 6-speed transmission helps it feel so strong while getting very decent highway gas mileage. At this point, I am very happy that I decided to replace my 2002 XLT with a 4th gen V8 and not a 5th gen model.

Yep, they have plenty of kick for an SUV. When we had 06 v8 and 07 v6 for about 2 years together, I could never say that the v6 was slower than v8. Maybe with the heavier trailer it would, but everyday driving was pretty good with both.

my 07 4.0 couldn't beat a fully loaded gmc 6.0 ls box truck but now my timing chains sound pretty ugly so i moved on to a 2016 SHO that's only 86x quicker... sometimes i go out to the garage and start up the 07 just to listen to the sweet sweet chains truck doesn't owe me a damn thing it was a good run from 100k to 200k over 6 years
