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Silicone Blades


Explorer Addict
January 4, 2000
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Sport 4X4
I've been looking into silicone wiper blades for a while now, but before I lay my money down I want to make sure they will last and are worth the money. Has anyone used them, and if so, did you have success with them. PIAA has a set for the Explorer at a cost of $26 each. They come with a five-year limited warranty excluding damages from acts of nature, alteration, misuse, neglect, modification, abuse, and improper installation.

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There’s a few threads on the forum with mixed opinions. Might want to do a search before laying down $60 on wipers.


FWIW - BOSCH wiper blades for the win.

I've gotten an average of 4 years out of their reasonably priced Evolution 4818 offering.

I've had 4 sets in 16 years

$15 a blade at Amazon

Link: Amazon product ASIN B0016ZU382

Yep, $30 a pair and they work flawlessly.

Lately, I have been purchasing all my wiper blades off They have a huge selection, and they are low priced.



I'm right with you man!

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