Skid Plate for the front of the truck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Skid Plate for the front of the truck


Well-Known Member
December 29, 2003
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City, State
New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Hey I'm new here...i'm 16 and i have a 1997 Ford Explorer V8 AWD, all stock for the anways me and my friend went out in a field with my explorer in about 1.5 feet of snow,(It's a TANK in the snow lol) and when we got done, underneath the car, right behind the bumper, there's like an air scoop underneath the radiator, and snow must have gotten in it, and pushed it because it cracked on one side, and was cob jobbed back here's my and my friend built a replacement for this air scoop(a replica) out of metal...i was wondering if this is safe to put on the truck, becuase of cooling and all that...and as well i want to put a skid plate to block that from happening again, will that harm the truck in any way?...if anyone can give me some details or advice on this, i would appreciate it, thanks!

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Go ahead and take the little plastic scoop off. I believe the theory behind it was to force cool air up into the radiator but well it is kinda pointless.

So that piece is useless rydin high??

if anyone can answer my skid plate and metal replacement piece questions, it'd be greatly appreciated, thanks!

You could put the metal one on there but I wouldn't especially since you live in NY. All its going to do is act like a little snow plow and force crap up there.

Originally posted by rydinhigh
and force crap up there.

Including birds :D

But we were thinking about putting a skid plate from the front of the replacement to the bumper, so no snow would get in it, but it'd be there and it would be only thought is, is that the skid plate, and the metal thing, or both would restrict some cooling, and mess something up, ...would it?

Go ahead and try it. As long as you don't block the front grille you would get more than enough air.

expHendrix47 >> i recently spent 4 years in Rochester, NY (college) and yeah a "skid" plate would be a good idea if u plan to wheel a lot during the winter. I sometimes crawl on plowed mounds and yeah my X has "eaten" quite a bit of snow from the front and that plastic air dam routing air up and onto the radiator area. If you plan to fabricate your own skid plate, do a search on the forum for skid plates.. i think a few members have plates isntalled (with pics) so that should give you some design ideas. Whatever design you decide on, dont forget that the bumper itself also has 2 air inlet (1 short one on the metal and 1 longer one between the fog lights). BTW post some pics after you're done if you put a plate on!


  • skid.jpg
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Thanks for all the info, i'm going to put it on ASAP...and try to get some pics on here, ttyl

cough SplashMan your plate number... ;)

Originally posted by SplashMan
That number is all over the net and in a month or two it won't exist anymore... get new plates with a new vehicle.;)

Gettign a new vehicle?? YOu gettign rid of the Explorer??

I have a 97 V8 - I removed the lower bumper airdam and that radiator scoop. Both did nothing but catch mud.

Wouldn't taking it off leave that part of the radiator exposed for things to hit it though?

Theoretically, that's why I'm buying some diamondplate tomorrow morning to build a skidplate.

Splashman - that's an awesome upgrade: :chug:

What thinkness plate is that? is there any support behind it?

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