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November 12, 2006
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Ford Explorer 1999
When I accelerate firmly from stop "something" is slipping. I accelerate, hear a grinding noise for a second and evrything engages and off we go. If I accelerate slowly this does not happen. The car is driving fine - only when you accelerate hard. Is this the torque converter? - or something else. Appreciate the help in advance. Thanks. Ford Explorer 1999, 4 door, 2WD, Auto.

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You think it's the transmission? - it's got 160k miles - I don't know when the last transmission fluid change was and I haven't yet checked the level as I wasn't sure where to start. Codes not yet scanned either. Hope you can shed some more light. Thanks. Matt.


Could be a few things but I would get it checked out ASAP before you do additional damage.

Since you are in L.A., go to Gaby at Jul's Transmission on Hyperion (323)666-1955 in Hollywood, have him drive the truck, and have him scan the OBD II DTC codes for your transmission and he will tell you what is wrong with the truck. That is one of the best ways to diagnose what is wrong with the transmission and plus Gaby has a lot of experience with these transmissions.

Honest guy, does great work. He is my longterm trannie guy and has worked on all my Explorers and BMW transmissions for years.

A week ago he had to rebuild my 96 Explorer automatic 2wd as an intermediate band had broken at 115,000 miles. I had him do a complete overhaul of the transmission including a rebuilt valve body with new solenoids as well as replacing all the mechanical hard parts internally. Drives like new now.

Check this thread out.

Hope this helped. Good luck.

Thankyou for the advice and contact - I shall give them a call asap.


You're welcome.

He read the OBD II DTC codes and the 2nd code accurately reflected what was wrong with the transmission, a mechanical problem. We dropped the valve body and saw a broken intermediate band retainer.

Let us know what you find out.

Thankyou again - I will call them asap.
