small rust spots in paint | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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small rust spots in paint

i have a 99 explorer that is painted white I love this color. My question is i notice when im washing it i have noticed small little rust spots in the paint down near the bottom of the vehicle. I have talked to a couple of people and they said thats common for white vehicles. How do i get rid of it someone sugested rubbing compund someone said take it to a body shop any help would be appreciated like what to buy what works best if you have ahd this problem yourself thank you

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are they little orange spots? really really small?
i have somethign very similiar to whatyou speak of. and i have figured that mine can't be rust for 2 reasons.

1. i can remove the orange spots with bug and tar remover
2. I get the same orange spots a few of the plastic peices on my truck

i can't tell you what it is, because i don't know...but check for the same spots on your fender flares, bumper, and running boards if its present there they its probably not rust and is somethign eles

I had the exact same things you guys are describing on my white 97. I could not get rid of them with anything. Then I tried a clay bar, and it worked in minutes. Pick one up and I bet you will get rid of those spots.

What you're probably seeing is small ferrous particles like iron from industrial fallout that are rusting on the paint. A claybar will make short work of them.


What those spots are most likely is from the tire dressing you put on the tires made of silicone that get's on your paint and are not cleaned off rights away. The silicone stains the paint. I have seen this on many white Ford vehicles when I worked at a detailing shop. Simple green or a claybar usually get's it out unless it has been untreated for months. I would try switching to a none silicone based tire dressing so you don't have to worry about this in the future.

mike in my case, i know it can't be rust because i have some of the spots on my fender flares and rear bumper.

i think tommy may have a point..i'll have to check to see if armoral tire foam has silicone in it..

now that i think about it it is on some of the plastic or fiberglass peices i think i will try the bug and tar remover first then the clay bar i have been reading allot about clay bars on here and if im not mistaken you use them to take the wax and small deformities off of the paint and then rewax right. Do you have to use the clay bar on the entire vehicle or just the area of concern and then rewax

just the area of concern then rewax
