Snow !!!!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Snow !!!!!!!!


Explorer Addict
September 1, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Philadelphia Airport, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 V6 Silver XLT
here in south philly were getting hit with some heavy snow at the moment... only goin to amount to about 1 - 3''s but still its enough to get some sweet pics... anyone else go playing in the snow tonight ?????

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the novelty wears off up here,, but i did the first few times,,

I might go get some pics at lunch if I can find a good spot around work. Prolly gonna go take some night shots when I get home this evening.

did I mention I hate AWD in slush/icy conditions? I should've taken my 93 X today...

We are getting 6-8" as I type this. We've had this white crap on the ground since the first week of November.

Sorry Caldwell, but I have totally lost ALL enthusiasm for snow at this point. Total snowfall for this winter is approaching 79", and the worst is yet to come.

i need to move to canada.. yesterday was our second good snowfall and it as only 4" with freezing rain frozen on top of it. and of course after work i went and drove around in it! my crappy tires surprised me in the heavy snow, crawled right up a good incline with no slipping. i really need to get involved with some people who can help show me just how capable my first gen is. but thats for another thread.

You are more than welcome to come and visit!! We have LOTS of snow for you to play in.

Before I got fed up with it all ( before Christmas ) I took the EB off road for the first time. There was A LOT of snow where we were wheeling. I was very impressed at how well my Grocery Getter 3rd Gen did. (V8 and 32" Dick Cepek's were quite helpful )

The only to watch with winter wheelin' - you have NO IDEA what is under the snow so it greatly increases the destruction possibilities.

yeah ive found that out a few times in the past.. snow hides rocks and trees very well.

theres more reasons than just snow that me and my buddy wanna move to canada.

eh philly's snow isnt all that great its basicly thick white ice lol

yeah ive found that out a few times in the past.. snow hides rocks and trees very well.

theres more reasons than just snow that me and my buddy wanna move to canada.

And they would be....?

From today.:D



i want to move to an island with just me and a bunch of chicks haha atleast then i wouldnt have to deal with the morons that live near me

I was just out with my explorer, didn't get any pictures because I didn't feel like getting out and trudging in the snow anymore than I had to. It was good and deep, up past the running boards on mine. But it plowed through it like a champ, no problems.

I put the stock 245/65/17s back on my explorer last week and damn I actually have traction now. The 265s were horrible in snow. but it was realllly fun sliding around (when i wanted to)

What 265's were you running? Mine rock in the snow and mud.

I put the stock 245/65/17s back on my explorer last week and damn I actually have traction now. The 265s were horrible in snow. but it was realllly fun sliding around (when i wanted to)

what kind of tire are the 265's?

Its all slush down here ... South Jersey never gets the nice snow you guys north and west of the city get =/

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So Caldwell, how much snow did you end up with and did you get out to play in it?
