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So is Troll the fastest?

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I can't wait to get back on the track again...

I'm not sure how large of a difference it will make running stock tire size vs. the 285/60R18's but it definitly seems to make a large difference on my gas mileage. I'd be curious to see if I can beat my all time (which is far from Trolls).

1/4mi. in 13.06 @ 110.07 and on that run my 1/8mi. was 8.502 @ 86.19.

I still haven't tried sprayin at the track cause it's my daily driver and I get scerred... hehe.

I've added an ignition, nology wires, FMU, smaller tires and a shift kit. Troll still rules though!

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single power adder rule is cool but if you want to compare mustang to mustang then you should race our mustang as you mite imagine it is way faster then his 10 sec daily driver. if you want to beat my brother you are going to have to do a lot of work it is deafinaly not as easy as making a mustang fast. most of the time when some one says they are going to make there explorer faster and try and beat him my brother just Bring IT. so i guess we will see some day wont we.

Naw not even gonna try and surpass him now.

I thought he was in the low 11' sec area. near my 6-12 month goal, but no way in hell I'm I gonna even worry bout it now maybe I can be the second fastest :).

My LX is going under the knife soon and getting a smaller pulley , A 351 Swap :), and a new intake with some head porting.

gonna shoot for 137 before the spray.

before that I'm gonna try and hit 130 with out the spray on the stock block 302 in the basic config its at now but add a bit of timing and race gas.

my brother goal is a 9 sec pass now. our mustang will go near the low 9's at over 150 and my lincoln should go a lot faster then that. our family is kinda weird we dont know how to do thing with in normal limits. there are a lot of fast explorers but i dont think any of them are with in a 1 1/2 of him or 2 for that matter but that is because mainly of how hard it is to go fast in a explorer.

Dang I thought you totaled the Mark VIII.

but it's running 9's now? thats pretty good for the little novi 2000 with that much weight.

novi2000 is not small it is enuf to go a 8 in the right car.

blk mk8

Did your brother put his Milano seats in yet and do you have any new pictures of the cars and trucks and stuff to show us.


nothing yet working on it though.

Hey Dan did ya hear that i wrecked my truck before i was able to finish the supercharger install? Veru long story. But i still have all of my stuff for the charger install minus the supercharger brackets, E-303 cam, RR's, springs and chip, which were all in the truck at the time of the accident. I didnt even get a chance to finish the install, tune it and run it at the track. Man. Well i got my 03 4.6 liter V-8 explorer now. And plan on being the fastest 4th gen explorer. Dont tell SALEENEXP he might just have competition. Either way. I plan on going with the 4 valve DOHC setup built for high boost and then run a KB twin screw on top of that. Only thing is that i got to look for some more info on my newfangled tranny they put in these things. So off to beef that and the driveline and rear end up which happens to be IRS :rolleyes: Well sorry to steal this thread. But i was about to have something that went fast. But close doesnt count. Just have to wait a while longer.

Rocket, make a new thread about the '03...myself and others are curious as to what exactly your gonna do...

I am thinking about going 9's in my truck now! The Troll may get single or twin turbos soon. What do you guys think about that? The lightning guys are now using kenne bell blowers now with nitros oxide or methenol injection making close to 600 hp. I hate Lightnings! I almost had to ***** slap some that were talking crap at the dyno over the weekend. I was so close to going home to get my truck and bringing it back to the dyno and racing the fastest guy there. He made 581 hp with 22 psi of boost, methenol injection, built motor with ported heads and cams. I know there are some lightning guys out there that are faster than me but when I go 9's that number will be very small. I know it will be expensive and take a while but it is always worth it in the end.

Yeah alot of Lightning guys think that just they are the ****. I say to hell with most of them. For the most part i dont like too many Cobra, Lightning, and Vette guys because they are soooooo stuck on themselves and think that they are invincible. And then when they get beat they make up excuses.

I want to hear their excuses when they get beat by an Explorer!! Go for it Troll!

Originally posted by STANN
I want to hear their excuses when they get beat by an Explorer!! Go for it Troll!

That is the worst thing Stann they always keep trying to pull bullshit out of their ***** to justify why they didnt win. It is one or the other. It is only run what you brung till they lose and then it is. "Well my truck came from the factory like this your didnt!" My reply to that is "Well as least i know how to even work on my truck, that is why i am not afraid to design and build a truck for racing that otherwise would not normally be."

That is nuts you guys are making heavy ass vehicles run that fast. 11 second ETs on any car is pretty fast, but when you are doing it with a 1.5 TON TRUCK, that is sweet. I dont think I could justify doing that though until my mustang was finished off. Right now I just have the h/c/i done, and I am looking at the HP turbo kit now. That would probably put me in the 500RWHP range on low boost, and that would be fast enough for me. The fastest I would want to go in an explorer is probably 13's or 12's but that is a feat in and of itself.

One more thing. Where are you guys finding power adders for the explorers. I have a Mounty but I am looking for a turbo or blower set up. I looked at KBs site but they did not have anything for the X specifically.

explorers usually are 2-2.5 tons. for supercharger setups, there is either the Eaton unit from Explorer Express, or there is the Powerdyne unit. the eaton is the roots style, while powerdyne is the centrifugal style.

You are right. My bad. I guess I forgot how much a metric ton was in lbs.:eek: :D

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Eaton / X-Charger By Explorer Express

Here is our X-Charger on a 1997 5.0 that belongs to my boy Ronnie B. He has added Motosport Headers, E-Cam, 24 psi injectors, BBK Fuel Pump, Mac Intake, Pro-M 75mm Mass Air Sensor & Nitros! We do not have any numbers on it yet, but he will take it to the track sooner or later. This is his dailey driver, he has not lost any street races yet. Fastest Explorer I have ever ridden in!


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