SOHC Exhaust options-whos swapped? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SOHC Exhaust options-whos swapped?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2001
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San Marcos, CA
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2002 XLT 2WD
I was under the X this past weekend when it was on the lift (swapping tires out) and noticed how the exhaust on the SOHC is actually a dual until it gets to the muffler then it exits as a single. I also noticed one of the welds on the heat shield are cracked right next to the weld I'll have to tack it again to keep it from rattling down the road(unless I get a new exhaust.

Do the aftermarket exhausts Gibson, etc take this into account? The dual into single is what I mean..

Anyone on the list swapped in a catback on their SOHC?

Thanks again,

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I have a Dynomax catback for my SOHC. I went to a custom muffler shop and told them to install it. They made the piping and muffler fit. I didn't have to worry about a thing. Everything cost me $190.

i went with a custom catback too. they made it fit, so i dont have to worry about anything.


I replaced the muffler with a Flowmaster 70 series with two 2 1/4 inch inputs and one 3 inch output pipe. Had all the pipe custom done at a local muffler shop. I like the look of the 3 inch pipe coming out of the back, and the sound is definitely distinctive. If you do the math you will find that one 3 inch pipe has more flow than two 2 inch pipes. You also have less resistance because there is less surface inside the pipe. I put in a K&N filter at the same time. I have noticed an improvement in high end power (over 4000 rpm) and I think throttle response is better.

The downside is that the exhaust is very loud inside the truck, especially at 3000 rpm which my X seems to like to run at. I did not think I would mind the noise, but my X also doubles as a family truckster and the kids have to yell for me to hear them. My wife is less than thrilled. I have been looking at soundproofing products and I think I am going to put Dynamat and a Dynaliner in the trunk area.

My next engine mod is going to be a Superchip, because I think the slip in the transmission is really holding me back, but I think the filter and the exhaust really laid a good foundation to build on with the new computer.

Re: Exhaust

Originally posted by russelb
The downside is that the exhaust is very loud inside the truck, especially at 3000 rpm which my X seems to like to run at. I did not think I would mind the noise, but my X also doubles as a family truckster and the kids have to yell for me to hear them. My wife is less than thrilled. I have been looking at soundproofing products and I think I am going to put Dynamat and a Dynaliner in the trunk area.

You might want to check AC Blessing's postings on the Audio forum before you Dynamat - he used expanding spray foam and got great results for considerable savings.

Be aware that a 3" pipe does nor permit the "necessary? backpressure for the 4l SOHC motor ( at least in its stock form )/

A 2 1/2" pipe is the correct size.

Goos luck....

Flowmaster also makes a heat shield for the 70 series muffler that reduces the interior sound. Going to a 2.5" exhaust will also help a lot.

hey Bill do you have pictures of your setup? How much did it cost you? Did you do it yourself? Increase in power?Interior sound bad?Exterior Sound good? Like answering questions? ;)

The only pics I have are of the rear of the X. Nothing from under the veh.

The cost was $170 for the muffler & shield and $100 to have it installed. Probably could have found the muffler cheaper..
I don't know if it did maything for the power but it sounds and looks good to me so I guess it's worth it.
Interior & exterior sound is louder than stock but not by much.

amazing top end

Hey, i noticed how you said over 4000 rpms your top end got stronger. . . Man i put the ben jenkins chrome cold air kit with k&N open air conical filter, with a custom flowmaster 50 series delta flow with 2 inches pips and 2 and half at the ends with chevelle chrome tips, and man did my top end performance increase. I definatly lost some torque, but it is unreal from what i have gained on top end. Specially when it is cold here at night in NJ, it goes down to like 60 in the summer and it just runs amazing. Put the chip in , it made the shifts crisper, top end even more stronger, got some torque back, and its more enjoyable to drive on the highway.


I got a Flowmaster 50 series from Summit for something like $79.99 and took it to a local muffler shop and just had them cut out the old muffler and replace it with new for $20. Very happy with it. I was told by the shop that the existing pipes were best kept on the truck. Not sure if it's because they were to lazy to install a new pipe back but if that's the case they the lost extra money they could have made for the new pipe so I'll take their word for it.

I had 2.5" dual exhaust with an h- pipe and a Flowmaster Cherry Bomb Muffler, shields And Brackets. For $350.00 It's Louder But Great Horse power and tourque Improvements.
