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Solid Axle Swap help!!!

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Got it to my house today and had it torn apart in less than an hour. Got the C-bushings in the right way so now the pinion angle is correct. Also got the drivers side coil bucket 90% welded in and the passenger side is prepped for the morning.

will be there around 11:30 am with all new brake parts!

should get alot of progress done tomorrow.



will be there around 11:30 am with all new brake parts!

should get alot of progress done tomorrow.


I should have the front axle pretty much done by the time you get here.

I guess since that upper left tail light lens broke getting your Ex off the trailer I have no excuse now not replace the bulb.

Time for a bigger trailer?

Then you can tow Abby AND the Redheaded Stepchild to Moab:D

Front axle is in. All it needs now is brake routing and little stuff. Tomorrow we finish up the rear axle and she'll be street-able.

hell yes! $200 in new brake parts and thats with my employee discount!

"streetable" by tomorrow, haha.

Time for a bigger trailer?

Then you can tow Abby AND the Redheaded Stepchild to Moab:D

haha, no kevin's got it down pretty good. no power steering, and no brakes at all made it a little difficult to get OFF the trailer though.

kevin, heading to your house tomorrow afternoon, to throw the headers on rear brake stuff on and drive her home.

im going to look at pull a part on my way and see if the ranger long bed drivelines are longer, unless someone already knows otherwise???

kevin, heading to your house tomorrow afternoon, to throw the headers on rear brake stuff on and drive her home.

im going to look at pull a part on my way and see if the ranger long bed drivelines are longer, unless someone already knows otherwise???

So how did it go? My cell phone died so I can't even call you cause I can't get to you phone number. My touch screen has no reaction to touching anymore and apparently after a master reset, one of the first things you have to do is touch the screen to continue.

bad luck, the mustang has been giving me troubles, not running right and the alternator went out yesturday. i picked up those sockets from my work yesturday so i just need to get out to your place so i can finish it.. took a loan out of the bank for my new truck :)

99 f350 4x4, crew cab, dually, 7.3 turbo diesel. $1500 co-worker blew the front pump in it.

1500? thats cheep. It needs a high pressure oil pump? Not a super common failure on the 7.3 but it dose happen. Might just need an ipr...

the front pump in the trans went out

Well, we towed Justin's Ex back to his house Friday evening. He's got a few small loose ends to finish up, but it's gonna be nice when it get's done.

finally runs and drives, not ready for this weeken however. unless someone wants to help me install some gears! plus find a place that has any! wanna run 4.88s

going to look for a driveline for the rear tomorrow, if i cant find anything, ill just have it extended. no biggie.

long time since ive been on here! lol, just over a year. anyways, truck has been through alot. im in the process now of rebuilding the rear end, been collecting parts for some time now, all new brakes, gears and locker. front will be next. 5.13's, new hubs up front and hopefully a locker for it as well. Will try to keep you guys updated as i make progress.

4.88 is about as low as you want to go with the 44. The Pinion head is tiny on 5.13 and becomes the weak link...
