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Solve an argument


Well-Known Member
October 22, 2008
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Perth Western Australia
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer
I'm having an argument with a guy here in Oz.
He is telling me that he upgraded his tortion bar from a UB to a UD.
I told him this is a down grade.
He then told me to look here.
and note the 4th and 5th vin number
I don't see how this solves the argument.
anyone explain?
I will gladly eat my word's if I'm wrong (but only if I'm wrong) as I know I'm right in another argument we have going about TT

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I'm no 2nd gen expert so I don't know if you can actually compare Torsion Bars like that.. BUT..

UB to UD going by the chart is saying he went from torsion bars from a lighter rated vehicle to a heavier rated vehicle. IF that also means your changing to a stiffer torsion bar it still has the question, Is this an upgrade? I can't say.. It is a change, but upgrade means it is doing something you "want" and I don't know what the "want" is.

There are different codes for torsion bars (Like "B" code), but I don't know if that is really refering to the Vin. I might be, I just don't know..


Edit: From this old thread.. It looks like the Vin decoding isn't the same as the Spring Decoding.. This thread states B is the stiffest and when using the Vin decoder it would be softer.


It's all a bit confusing. But the way I see it if you were going by the vin then it would be read as BU or DU.

His want was to stop his front tires from scrubbing.

His want was to stop his front tires from scrubbing.

Ok, so what I gather from that is that under hard cornering the front end is diving which is scrubbing the tires. Going to a stiff spring (torsion bar in this case) will cut that down, but if it gets too stiff its going to cause other handling issues.


He is replying to a post says he had same issue. Larger tires scrubbing on small bumps in road.
Says that he upgraded his tortion bars from a UB to a UD. and it worked
I said this was a down grade in tortion bar rating but it worked due to being better than his worn out higher rated ones.

So am I correct in thinking that the vin is not the way to determine tortion bar rating.

I'm not entirely sure where the actual spring rates are determined... I couldn't find anything in the service manual, and as far as I know, the VIN itself doesn't have any direct info about the spring rates (or the spring codes).

Assuming they're listed in the service manual in order of strength, they would be 1,2,A,B,C,D,E,F but there's no guaranteed Ford lists anything logically in the service manuals....

I'm not entirely sure where the actual spring rates are determined... I couldn't find anything in the service manual, and as far as I know, the VIN itself doesn't have any direct info about the spring rates (or the spring codes).

Assuming they're listed in the service manual in order of strength, they would be 1,2,A,B,C,D,E,F but there's no guaranteed Ford lists anything logically in the service manuals....

From what I understand. The door sticker provides you with the the rating of the tortion bar in my case it is a B my spring code is an F which is the rating of the rear springs.
Vin will give you the gross vehicle weight ratting. But does not tell you spring or tortion rating.
