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Something fell off, what is it?

I just measured it and it's 1.75" wide, 1/2" high and the square hole is 1/2".

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dude! I could be right hten! Check your tensioner! Honestly from looking at my tensioner (I just went out to the truck) I can't see it too well, but it looks like that one piece COULD (doubt it would) become seperated, and the belt would still remain tight. You just couldn't loosen it is all.

I doubt it's part of the tensioner. The arm is all one piece and the tensioner wheel is all one piece as well.

part of a body mount?

Originally posted by Muskrat
part of a body mount?

I was thinking that too, but it doesn't quite look right.

I'm just waiting to hear the outcome on this. I have no ID, if it was on a 1st gen I might have some idea but with a 2nd gewn on up. I might as well be in the dark playing with myself.

I'm tellin you I really think he drove over it on the road... And kicked it up, It really looks like a water cutoff valve or gas cutoff valve, They pop out all the time were always fixing them on the roads. The square part in the middle really looks like the key hole for this really long heavy key we have. You see thats the top and the square hole guides the key all the way down to the valve. You would use it if there was a gas leak, water leak, or something like a house fire where everything had to be turned off. Thats just my opinon...Curious though to see if I was right.

The only thing I can think of is to check your spare tire carier. I think there is a pulley for the cable that lowers and raises it.

Originally posted by SPORTCRAZIE
I'm tellin you I really think he drove over it on the road... And kicked it up, It really looks like a water cutoff valve or gas cutoff valve, They pop out all the time were always fixing them on the roads. The square part in the middle really looks like the key hole for this really long heavy key we have. You see thats the top and the square hole guides the key all the way down to the valve. You would use it if there was a gas leak, water leak, or something like a house fire where everything had to be turned off. Thats just my opinon...Curious though to see if I was right.

I'm guessing just like sportcrazie. It looks like a water or gas shutoff valve. I have something out front that looks almost identical. I'll post a pic in the near future.

Plus I'm getting a wierd feeling when I'm going around corners now, feels like something in the left front, right under the drivers floor panel is moving side to side.

hmmmm, body mount?:p

Originally posted by Muskrat
hmmmm, body mount?:p


Sway bar hardware??

Nothing like that for the sway bar.:confused:

Something that may help you id this:
1) Is it Brass or Steel? Brass would lead me to believe possibly a part of the Gas Shut-off valve as Sportcrazie thinks (1st pick looks like could be brass). They use Brass on gas equip because Brass does not cause sparks. BUT, Brass could also be used for a bushing (doupt it myself for that shape).

2) Could it be part of some tool that got hung up in your body or frame (something for a 1/2" drive ratchet)? Or possible be a spacer for 1/2" shank carrage bolt.

3) Have you cleaned it? The absence of oil, grease or etching/corrosion from battery acid lends that it was not used in those areas.

4) Does there appear to be any wear on it at any particular angle? That would show where it was on a moving part or something that was shifting and made wear marks on it.

My GUESS is, you drove over it in the road with a tire and it flew up hitting the underside of your X.


in the first pic are those pins of some sort sticking off of it? if so i think it it a tool that is turned by a 1/2 inch ratchet. something like the tool you would use to work on a hub assembly. just my 2 cents on it..

I think I may have found it if you have 4wd. Check to see if you have this washer. It is the reaction arm attached to the front diff.


  • bushing.jpg
    56.4 KB · Views: 764

Here is a exploded view of the front diff. The axle to frame arm is Item 11. The bushing (there are 3) is Item 10. I think that the washer came from the bushing in the axle to frame arm.


  • frtdiff.jpg
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Here is another drawing from the service manual. The bushing is the one shown on the left. You do have 4wd, don't you?


  • frtaxlebush.jpg
    46.9 KB · Views: 795

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Originally posted by explr1
I'm going to take it to my Ford dealer and see if they can ID it.
yeah right, they wont's have a clue unless it's got a part number on it.

I don't think it's a washer. Washer's don't usually have a square hole.
