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Sound questions

Thank you corkey, but because of the whole thing last night, I now know that I'm supposed to use component speakers with tweeters, not just regular speakers, I think I'm just gonna order some two way speakers for the back, cause I have no idea where i could install the tweeters in my sport, can't look either it's like 200 miles away. and thank you to anyone that actually helped

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the guy is not exactly right there,, you can use the teeters if you wish , but with the increased resistance the front speakers will not be as loud as the back, and the amp may or may not heat up in the deck,, it is a flat out lie to say that you cannot use them they way you were going to, i have did it with a stock deck for a long time, in fact , i have a fiero that has the speakers in the tops of the seats, and i have left and right in both seats, that makes four speakers , all hooked up to the rear speaker wires of my head unit, 2 lefts and 2 rights,one set of output wires from deckit had been set up that way for almost 15 years now, and it still works,, and sounds great ,

now he can chime in and tell me i don't know chit either but i don't care, i know what i have done and that it has, and does work for me,, and like i said, i don't care ,

ok wait why wouldn't they be as loud as the back

oh and I found the Head Unit I'm getting AFTER my speakers Pioneer DEH-P4100UB

the amp requires 4 ohms, the speakers create 4 ohms resistance, , that is the resistance for each one,, if you added 2 together in series, they would now require more power to make the same they would now make 8 ohms,,

ok that makes sense, it'll be fine, i think cause the speakers in the back are farther back, and don't sound as loud, if needed i'll fade to the front a litlle

the guy is not exactly right there,, you can use the teeters if you wish , but with the increased resistance the front speakers will not be as loud as the back, and the amp may or may not heat up in the deck,, it is a flat out lie to say that you cannot use them they way you were going to, i have did it with a stock deck for a long time, in fact , i have a fiero that has the speakers in the tops of the seats, and i have left and right in both seats, that makes four speakers , all hooked up to the rear speaker wires of my head unit, 2 lefts and 2 rights,one set of output wires from deckit had been set up that way for almost 15 years now, and it still works,, and sounds great ,

Wait, AFAIK if he uses the xover he should still get the 4ohms, the amp will still see the "component" as 1 speaker.

On my old car (92 Escort) I had one of those Sony packages where you have the HU+speakers, and bought an additional pair of 6x9's for the back, I paid ~200 USD & the car sounded really good with that setup, not sure why everyone is bashing Sony, that setup lasted for like 2 years and still worked when I sold the car, the new owner was very pleased with it as well, granted I wasn't going for SPL or a high end competition sound, but for 200 bucks it was well worth it...

tweet tweet , ,

:):)okay , this is good than , he can run the tweets as well ,:):)

tyran really can you stop with the flaming member and other things, or at least stop doing it in my thread

i guess if i was as smart as you, when i insult somebody , i would actually spell the word right,,

good, so at least it is going the way you want it to,

tyran really can you stop with the flaming member and other things, or at least stop doing it in my thread

i think we can all agree, sorry that if we dont have every ####ing brand the same as what you have that "we dont know **** about car audio, and were ******'s" learn how to spell the word if your gonna talk **** and say it,


so anyways back to the real topic,

my best advice, is to get name brand stuff, (NOT jensen/phase linear etc) and like (whoever) said, get the speaker sets that have the separate tweeter and crossover, cus if your putting it all into the tweeter BOOM there they go, you want a high power tweeter thats not gonna distort, yeah it might seem stupid to pay that much, but if you want a serious system, thats just how it is, and chances are, your gonna find it on CrutchField cheaper than at a store, they usually ALWAYS have sales on just about EVERYTHING, i picked up my 290$ sony headunit, for 180$, and they sent me EVERY tool i needed to remove the stock one, even though i already had replaced that, but they also sent DETAILED instructions w/ pics, and the whole dash kit for the 91-94 I didnt even know existed, bypass wires for the amp, the harness for the explorer, and this was all at no extra charge man so it is worth it.

Yeah now the only things I need are RCA Cables, Wiring Harness, and Ring Terminals for my amp power and ground cable. Another question, though, like a just stated I need a pair of RCA Cables, but I don't want to spend a lot on a set, but also want some quality, can someone point me in the direction of something like that.

get monster brand, a little pricey but thick insulation and no interference youll love them

i am sure there is somebody here that will help you with that , ,

Uh oh, what's all the cursing about? Noobs, can we all just get along? Actually, can we stick to the topic without all the cursing? I hear a Hoover coming along...

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