KAC-5203 2-channel amplifier Two KFC-W110S 10" subwoofers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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KAC-5203 2-channel amplifier Two KFC-W110S 10" subwoofers


Well-Known Member
January 20, 2009
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Vancouver, BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 X Sport2dr 4.0 V6 XLT
Is this a good setup to start out with? Or should I go with the a custom setup?

If not for the Kenwood package I'm thinking maybe going with the Kenwood amp and maybe a Kicker comp or L5 in 10"

The Kenwood package looks good, it's just I"m not sure how it will perform with only one sub (since I'm only going to wire one of them in my car).

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks guys,

KAC-5203 2-channel amplifier
Two KFC-W110S 10" subwoofers

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what is your goal with the sound system??

I just want something that can enhance the sound in my car. I listen to a lot of jazz and R&B but once in a while I like to bump to some rap so I would like the bass to have some versatility although I'm more towards SQ.

i use kenwood all the time, and have had great results, and long lasting enjoyment,,
i have 2 kenwood 12's, and a big kenwood kac 927 amp in my Ex now,, it rocks,,
buying good named gear is a good thing, and with the choices of music you listen to, too much bass is not a good thing,, just make sure you put them in a good box,,

those kenwood subs are not the highest quality...big name brands isn't always the best.

That set will work...for 100 dollars I don't really know what else would be a better deal.

Just curious are there any other subs that are good besides the Tang Band?

to be honest with you , i have never even heard of those before, and i have installed a pile of gear,,
there is so much much chinese made junk out the any more it's gotten to the point where i find it hard to tell if any of it is any good or not,,
get brand name stuff regardless of any comments,, i do , just because of the warranties,, what if you buy an amp with by a no name company and it quits 3rd day out,, you just bought a paper weight that probably cost more to fix than it is worth .
and if it quits, where do you send it to get fixed??? back to china, ?? yeah right,, ,
with a big name gear you have that option at least ,

Sweet, how's this one?

Dayton RSS210HF-4 8"

How are Rockford subs?



Rockford Fosgate P1S48 8"

I'm most likely going to buy that amp you suggested aznboi, which one of these woofers you think will be good if I can't get the Tang band?

aznboi, thanks so much for your help, with a bit more research I think I've narrowed it down to the Dayton and the Kenwood amp (they both fit my panels well since they both aren't deep/large units). Gonna see what the best deal I can get so far is now.

aznboi3644, i had a question for you: i bought a MA Audio 8 inch sub for 39 dollars shipped for free. What do you think about their quality? i know the subs everyone recommends but my goal was to spend less than 40 bucks since im a typical broke college student haha. I figured it was a good buy even though its probably not the best subwoofer out there. I had an MA 12inch in my old car i that i received for free and it sounded decent, but the amp was a cheap one i got for free too, and the box was awful so i dont know.

http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_14044_MA+Audio+MA108XQ.html thats the one i bought, its coming friday

Has anyone measured how much depth they have in the rear passenger panel? How much space do I generally need behind the driver?

i do not know how deep that panel is,,

i do know that a aslong as the woofer fits in the space, it can be almost touching in the back as long as the air space around it is the right size,, like some 10's need to have 1.125 cu ft ,
if you need to figure out a box size we could help you with the inside volume measurements,,,

Thanks corkey!

Well I used the calculator on here: http://www.carstereo.com/help/Articles.cfm?id=26 and got a recommended Vb of 0.509ft^3, which is 14.4L. The Vas of the driver is 1.14ft^3, which is 32.4L, so 14.4L is a lot smaller:help:

I read some reviews and the Dayton looks pretty good, I found a good deal on the Kenwood amp (KAC-5203) so I'm spending around $120 shipped for the setup which is fair in my opinion. Here are the specs for the Dayton driver:

I'm wanting a Qtc of 0.9.

Thanks in advance for your help!

okay , so i looked at that sub,, but now i have a question for aznboi ?

why does it have such a low rating for spl, ?? it only has 83 db/1watt/1 meter,, that seems kind of low to me,,and means it takes more power to drive , , i would think that is not a very efficent driver,,
the kenwood he was looking at is rated at 90 db , and the fosgates just a bit less than that , ,seems more efficency is better,,

theres a few links that will help you out,, one for the designs,
the other has links to box design programs,,

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