SPAMMER Hits EF | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A Man Without Wheels
December 9, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie Bauer (R.I.P.)
Don't support this jerk. Don't open there threads of free junk. It is nothing more than SPAM at work. YUCK, I hate spam.

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Nothing in this world is truely free! I hate spam :fire:

I like fried Spam with sharp cheddar melted on top.

I haven't eaten any spam since I was about 5 years old.

Try spam lite. It has 23% less mystery gel. Nope I don't eat any of that stuff at all.

I have not noticed the free junk recently, but I did see several a few months back.

anyone ever tried spam wasubi? that stuff is awesome

BBQ_HotDogs said:
Don't support this jerk. Don't open there threads of free junk. It is nothing more than SPAM at work. YUCK, I hate spam.

Anything for lazy ***** to try to make an extra dime :rolleyes:

As for real spam, it doesn't look too bad, but damn it's disgusting

Great Kalifornia breakfast
Hand cut porkbelly bacon, save the fat, fried spuds in bacon grease, tempora batered Fresh catfish,small ones, caught the night before in the sacramento river, fried in bacon grease, corn muffins made with bacon grease and bacon grits (YUM)
Eggs any why you like them.
The secret recipe for spam is:Open the can, remove the meat, rinse off all the jelly stuff, this is done the night before, slice in about 1/4 inch pieces, in a large bowl add 1/2 gal. Korbel brandy, add the sliced Spam, cover and put in the fridge.
Cook the morns breakfast, just prior to serving it up, remove the spam from the Brandy, put the spam down the Blow hole (garbage disposal)
Use warm brandy snifters, serve um up with breakfast, sillycone valley style:)

Here is some spam just for this thread and those of you who like it.





BeauJ said:
You had me from the word Brandy ;)
Remind me to send you my award winning recipe for mudhens in jack Danials :D

Someone wrote a book on alternative uses for spam. Can't remember the title of the book but I do remember one of the alternative uses was as a furniture polish. :confused:

Its been a while since I've been to Hawaii... :D
