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spark plugs


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April 27, 2005
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02 eddie bauer
i was just wondering if any one has had this happen to their explorer. i have a 02 4.6l v8 explorer. within the last month and a half ive blown 3 spark plugs out of the head, completely out braking the coil pack. each time its a different cylinder. any help or info would be nice.

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Is your truck under warranty? I've never heard of that happening before. Maybe they aren't torqued right?


First off, who is putting these plugs in? Second off, I wonder how the exactly design is on the newer engines. I don't think they would have a huge redisgn, especially on the heads and the threads for the plugs. Now, if you had the Ford V-10 motor I would believe it, because their production heads had hardly any threads. If you get a new head for the V-10, it has about 2 times as much threads. I would say there is for sure a problem, and anytime a plug blows out, that is a horrible thing. Debris can get into the cylinder, and the header could be destroyed if not tapped or helix-cored right. Good luck.


EDIT: The torque spec is probably from 13-17 Ft Lbs

what octane fuel does it require and what are you running? This sounds like a TSB type problem though.

Are the actually blowing out stripping the threads, or are they just working out?
If they are working out take a small chisel and right where the plug touches the block (it's either flat or angled) make a small burr that will act like a lock washer and hold it in.
If they're blowing out, and you don't want to get new heads, you may have the meat in the head to rebore to a larger plug size.(check valve clearance and water jacket position first) you'll need to use helicoils, or weld and redrill/tap the holes to factory size, difficult on some heads.
Been there, done that on a '65 triumph t120r, worked well and had no complaints.

If you use helicoils, use a high temp thread locker, and check plugs everytime you change them to make sure you haven't pulled a helicoil


well i dropped it off at the dealer. supposedly its my plugs. the technician said they dont like bosch plugs. and that the threads for the plugs isnt very deep on the 4.6l. and they wont know if my warranty will fix it unless the tear the motor apart. if my warranty doesnt cover it i have to pay 1000+ for the tear down, and then another 5000+ for the new heads and them to put it back together.

Ford had to redesign their Motorcraft plugs for this very problem on the 5.4 F150s. Especially the lightnings. The plugs wigggle loose and eat the threads off the heads. Not too good. I run the redesigned Ford Lightning plug in my chipped TBird to prevent this.

b18ej1 said:
well i dropped it off at the dealer. supposedly its my plugs. the technician said they dont like bosch plugs. and that the threads for the plugs isnt very deep on the 4.6l. and they wont know if my warranty will fix it unless the tear the motor apart. if my warranty doesnt cover it i have to pay 1000+ for the tear down, and then another 5000+ for the new heads and them to put it back together.

Total $6,000? Thats sick! I feel bad for you.

for less than 6k id just go get a new motor from the junker...
