spark plugs_blown engine???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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spark plugs_blown engine????


January 18, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Edmonton, Ab Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Eddie Baur
Was driving on the hiway the other day and the truck started to miss, hmmm well 60k on the plugs thinkin time for tune up.
took it to canadian tire and got them to do a minor tune. plugs fuel filter.
they find that 1 of the plugs electrodes is gone, and are saying that it has fallen in the engine and caused damage. the truck is still missing, so i am going to do a comp test and see where we are at. ?? is how long can this engine run if it is in fact a down cylinder? the next add on part i am going to get is a stick of dynamite for this truck. the plug wires are ok except for #6 which is at 24,000 the rest are around 14's
thanks in advance

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I think if the end of the plug fell into the cylinder it would be alot worse than just a miss.What kind of plugs were they?

i am unsure as to the make,the plug was oil fouled as well but that could be due to none fire. the other plugs looked burned as well at the elect end but the 1 plug was gone, not the end of the plug but the center of it. i was thinkin it just burned off due to age but???

Originally posted by hardeeharhar
i am unsure as to the make,the plug was oil fouled as well but that could be due to none fire. the other plugs looked burned as well at the elect end but the 1 plug was gone, not the end of the plug but the center of it. i was thinkin it just burned off due to age but???
I have seen them burn off from age

well i guess i will have to do a comp test to be sure. assholes a crappy tire didn't do 1 and just said that the engine was hooped due to findings. so if it is in fact screwed, and no compression, the engine will run but with a miss all the time but it shouldn't blow up on me??or_____it is a ford lol

Did you change the wires also?

i have a read out here and they said it was #3 cyl and the plug wires shows me that #6 cyl is at 7.5, i wonder if that too is doing the miss or helping it.

no not yet, i was goin to a buds house thats a mech but he is about 1 hr away
i was goin to bring some wires with me there also and get the engine compression checked.

Your miss could be from a bad plug wire also

I would put the new wires and plugs on it, take it from there. Your engine is not going to blow up on you. Most likely the spark plug tip blew out the exhaust. You'd have worse damage, like stuff in the oil, if it had really scarred a cylinder wall.

well it is confirmed, thanks for all the input on this everyone. comp test confirmed the prob. drive it till it drops i guess.
thread closed

i have a video of an nsx on a dyno...when he hit the spray one of the spar plugs lost its tip and the engine blew right there on the spot....
