Sport radio/CD player puzzle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sport radio/CD player puzzle


Moderator Emeritus
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Greenville, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 Sport FI, 03 Ltd V8
I'm finally getting to replacing the nonfunctional aftermarket radio/CD player in my 2000 Sport with a salvaged factory unit I purchased via eBay. The factory radio with wiring connectors/pigtails was advertised as coming from a 2000 Sport. It has the C256 radio connector and the C215 subwoofer connector. I have no subwoofer nor wiring for it in the radio harness.

My problem is that not all of the C256 pigtail wire colors match the wiring harness colors.

There is a red/black wire connected to pin 3 (fused ignition "Start" to module, GEM input) of C256. There are two red/black wires in the wiring harness.

There is a light blue/red wire connected to pin 1 (lamp return pulse width dimmer) of C256. There is no blue/red wire in the wiring harness. The only unmatched wire left in the harness is gray/black.

Can anyone help?

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Duplicate wire colors

I was able to solve most of my puzzle myself using my wiring diagrams and a voltmeter.

One of the red/black wires in the wiring harness only has voltage when the main light switch is On and varies according to the dimmer setting. I connected this wire to the light blue/red wire attached to pin 1 of the connector.

The other red/black wire in the wiring harness only has voltage (+12) when the ignition key is in the Start position. I connected this wire to the red/black wire attached to pin 3 of the connector.

The remaining gray/black wire had no voltage for any of the combinations of ignition switch and light positions I could think of. I could not find any radio related gray/black wire in my 2000 or 1996 wiring diagrams. :scratch: I just capped it so it couldn't short to anything.

The radio and CD player seem to be working normally. I haven't tried the cassette player yet.

The gray/black wire is from the VSS signal and supplies a signal to allow the speed controlled volume feature to work.
Schematic shows it going to pin 9 of the 20 pin connector


Thanks scucci! I didn't notice that wire mainly because it's on the 20 pin connector C228. My radio did not come with that connector with pigtails. I only have C256 and C215 for the subwoofer amplifier that my Sport is not wired for. The radio has a receptacle for the additional C228connector. I don't know if it's worth obtaining a 20 pin connector to wire just pin 9 when I can just turn up the volume when I drive faster.

The vss is not really needed and the t-100 20 connector is expensive. Not worth it.
