Spot or Flood off-road lights?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spot or Flood off-road lights??

So after a bit of searching, I didn't really find much for answers. My question is what is a better off-road light? Spot or flood? I plan on mounting 2 lights behind my grill (2002 explorer). I drive gravel roads in the bush and would like a lil more light at night :).

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It just depends on how far out that you want your light to go a flood pattern light puts more in front of you while a spot light pattern puts out a light that goes out further

Definitely want to light up the ditches a little more (to see them pesky animals that want to run out in front), but I wouldn't mind if the light would lengthen my highbeam reach. Would an HID flood light best get these results?

Generally, for off-road driving, you want a "driving" light.

"Spot" lights or pencil beams, are for high speed driving, to give ultra-long distance visibility. Fog lights gives a wide spread of light, but only a super-short distance in front of the vehicle, and are made to keep glare down, both so they can be used on the road and so they don't cause glare off of fog to the driver.

Driving lights are the in-between, with a beam that goes pretty far and pretty wide, depending on the lamp. Bigger lamps will make a wider beam, and generally will go farther.

Best bet is to just get a set of quality brand name lamps you like that will fit. Something like the Hella 500 lamps might fit the bill.

Both if possible. Def wanting to see how they look.

I know this is an older post. but why not a combo beam?


  • lightforce 5.jpg
    lightforce 5.jpg
    73.4 KB · Views: 222 need to get some night pics of that led bar. I've been looking at some, and they seem amazing. Also, what kind did you get, and was install easy?? need to get some night pics of that led bar. I've been looking at some, and they seem amazing. Also, what kind did you get, and was install easy??

It is a Lifetime LED. I sell these. The one on the front is a combo beam. I also have 6 inch ones on my running boards. I have a pic of the light output of the 20 led. It lights up my road well. In the pic it is the only light I have on. I will also post of a pic of the 6 inch. Most of the light is blocked by the snow bank. But it still lights up my front yard well. Any other questions, just ask.


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