Srs????? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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January 4, 2001
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Can anyone tell me what SRS stands for? It is on the bottom left corner of the dash near the airbag and also on the steering wheel.


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SRS - Supplemental Restraining System

To be used in conjunction with seatbelts, not in leiu of... according to the owners manual :)

Supplemental Restraint System

It's your airbag. It's 'supplemental' because you're still supposed to wear you seatbelt also.

BTW, that other post was not here when I posted this.

Thanks for your answers

I think its funny, some companies like to make themselves different in this area. On my Cadillac it said S.I.R. or Supplimental Inflatable Restraint.

Now though I think it has been universalized as SRS.

what about the toyotas? they say SR5. when i first saw that i was like " why did they put the airbag tags on the tailgate?"

SR5 was a trim package. I had an '82 Toyota SR5 pickup well before air bags became standard issue and it did not have air bags.

i know i figured that out after awhile.....

Originally posted by Stephen
I think its funny, some companies like to make themselves different in this area. On my Cadillac it said S.I.R. or Supplimental Inflatable Restraint.

now lets see how many different terms there are for traction control. what is there LSD, ASR? what else?

My uncle has a '90 Acura Legend LS (very nice car). Acura called their Anti-Lock Braking System as ALB instead of ABS. Make sense...
