Stacey Davids new show "Gearz" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stacey Davids new show "Gearz"


Explorer Addict
November 20, 2001
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City, State
Morgantown, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4 4.0
Is anyone watching Stacey Davids new show, its on ESPN2. Its basically like TRUCKS but he is working on cars also, and it seems a lot more technical, like they show more tear down and build up process. He also seems a lot happier now, cracking more jokes than normal. I forgot how much better of a host he is than everyone SpikeTV has had since he left.

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I caught the first part of the show with the Cobra, and the Miata project. Looks like a good show.

Will look for it.

I've been watching it since the first episode and so far I love it... I loved Trucks too... But I don't care for the two guys hosting it now...

I like Xtreme4x4 too, but I have to say Gearz is just as good because of what Stacy David brings to the table for the show...

You know that you just watch it for Jesse...:p:

Makes me wish I would have went to the University of Wyoming in Laramie, or Wyotech there, so I could have "bumped" into her

i like extreme4x4 and i used to like trucks with stacy, but not with those 2 new guys that do nothing but bolt ons. i mean seriously, how are you gonna go from stacey that does his own body panels sometimes to 2 guys that i don't think can even weld. i think they let that one big wrestling looking guy go. or maybe he finally lost his voice. made the show a little better.

i like that one guy from muscle car. he seems to know his stuff. i think he should build a 4 link truck.

I was never a huge fan of Trucks soley because I didn't like Stacey, lol. I'll agree that his technical prowess is far more advanced than mine, but I just didn't like the way the guy presented himself. I will say that he was MUCH better than the meathead wrestler guy they had after he left.

Lou is probably my favorite host on SpikeTV now.

I was never a huge fan of Trucks soley because I didn't like Stacey, lol. I'll agree that his technical prowess is far more advanced than mine, but I just didn't like the way the guy presented himself

Me either. I liked it when it first started and had the one guy on with him.
Satcey was to goofy for me.

Then there was shade tree mechanics. That's a whole different story of it's own.

I watch extreme 4x4, and i used to watch trucks..back when stacey was on it, even before i started working on mine, it was just more impressive the first show i watched he built a custom 4-link and i was hooked.

i like extreme4x4 and i used to like trucks with stacy, but not with those 2 new guys that do nothing but bolt ons. i mean seriously, how are you gonna go from stacey that does his own body panels sometimes to 2 guys that i don't think can even weld. i think they let that one big wrestling looking guy go. or maybe he finally lost his voice. made the show a little better.

i like that one guy from muscle car. he seems to know his stuff. i think he should build a 4 link truck.

Seriously, I hated that guy, he was to big to work on any of the projects. "Oh, Im, supposed to reach my hand in there!!!!, aaah It wont fit." Too many steroids, and that voice, he really killed that show. But even the guys now are pretty bad, Stacey was much better.

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they are doing more technical bolt ons now..... but they are still bolt ons. no fabrication at all. i think that is why i like that muscle car show. i'm not even into muscle cars, but i love watching all the fabrication. extreme4x4 sometimes disapoints me when they do budgetless all bolt on mod shows. like the banks power diesel with the 8-12" adjustable airbag lift. i mean... yeah its a cool truck, but you can't tow with it anymore. and how many people have 30-40k to spend on a turbo diesel and another 10-15k after that for a fancy adjustable lift kit and every diesel bolt on imaginable? but then they do builds like ranger resurection and cheap jeep to redeem themselves.
