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Starting problem with diesel


Explorer Addict
November 29, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Biloxi, MS
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 Toyota
ok, i have a '00 MB E300TurboDiesel...its nothing but problems, but thats another story.

Over the past few days the car won't start up. I don't know if all of you are familiar with mercedes cars, but when you start the car you turn the key, but you don't hold it till teh car starts, you just turn it and let go, the car will turn itself over and disengage the starter when it starts all on its own.

Well the car is turning over, the fuel pump is coming on, but the engine isn't starting. It sounds as if its not getting fuel, but the fuel pump comes on every time. I'm not too familiar with diesels, so what do you think it may be. If you need any more info lemme know, i'll tell you

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That sounds like the glow plugs aren't working. I'm not sure on a merc but most all diesel motors have glow plugs that help heat the air when the engine is cold. When they don't work the engine is very difficult to start. It could just be a fuse or maybe they all need replacing. They look like little spark plugs with the main cable daisy chained along the top. Hope this helps.

Don't think it's the plugs because at this time of the year with warm temperatures a diesel does not need all glow plugs and starts anyhow. So all/most of them would have needed to go bad, or the electrikery controlling them is not working properly.

My guess after my experience with two diesels I had, that you have somewhere air trapped in the fuel line. Can occure for example after changing the fuel filter or bleeding the water condensor, after running the tank very low, but very often just due to vapor due to high temperatures. Diesel fuel contains way more water than gas (don't ask me why). That's the reason all diesel engines have a device seperating the water from diesel. At high temperatures, the water in the fuel evaporates leading to vapor locks in the fuel lines. Modern diesels are very sensitive to air in the fuel lines and it's a pain in the a$$ to bleed them.

Blocked fuel filter or micro-filters, if this Mercedes engine has them, is an other option. It's scary how much dirt can sometimes be found in diesel fuel, specially at not so often frequented diesel pumps. One of the reasons I prefered getting juice at the truck stop.

What you can do is taking out one glow plug:
If it's oily, you have diesel and the problem has to be the plugs or electrikery; you most likely will have to call your ?friendly? Mercedes dealer.
If the plug is dry, you engine misses the gogojuice. Check the fuel filter and/or bleed the system, if you can. Otherwhise, again, call the dealer.

Good luck!

Thanks for the reply donkey, and all others. I got it started sunday, but again won't start again. A couple of the plugs are oily, i really don't know whats up, this car has been more of a pain in the arse, it is going home to mercedes tomorrow, i'll let you know whats up
