starting problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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starting problem


Well-Known Member
October 6, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
02 mountaineer v8
i was driving down the road today when at a stop light it stalled out. i tried startin it again and it wouldnt. i towed it home and tried starting it. there is complete power inside the truck but when i try to turnit over nothing happens. no sound no anything. my miles also read ---------. i have checked all the fuses and wires and cannot find the problem. please any help would be greatly appreciated.

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it was off when it stalled but now its on when the battery is on. i dont hear anything when i turn the key

where are those?
i checked some of the fuses and they seemed fine.

anyone else?

yeah all the relays are fine. i cant find the inertia switch. why would that have anything to do with it anyways?

im stuck i need help. this is my only car.

wouldnt i hear a click from my starter or something when i turn my key?
i dont hear anything and my miles readout as -------. i also checked to see if there was power going to my starter and there is. how do i reset this switch?

so i think my ecu is fried. it wont let me pull codes.
