starting problems?!?!?! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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starting problems?!?!?!


New Member
April 4, 2007
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i have a 92' explorer that seems to be having some troubles starting. It seems to be fuel related and is not the fuel pump or fuel filter.i put a brand new pump in and a brand new filter. then i put the tank back up tried to start it and it didnt start. all it does is sits there and turns over acting like it has no gas. i checked the fuel pressure and it has pressure. So i figured i had a faulty pump but when i pulled it out and ran it straight to a battery it worked. After i checked it straight to a battery the car started. i got it running for like 5 mins. right as i got shop cleaned up and ready to head out it died and would not start up again. if anyone has a similar problem any help is appreciated.....

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Have you removed any injector to see if fuel is comming out?

Put your ear to the tank when the truck is running. Can you hear the fuel pump whirl? If not then it's an electricial issue (fuse or relay).

Or it might be bad plugs (no spark, no fire). I'd check your plug tips for fouling first.


i have spark that was first thing i checked.... i also checked fuel pump( pulled it out of tank and wired it straight to a battery and it worked) also checked fuel filter it was fine gas went thru it easily.... i was wondering if there was any common electrical problems that went wrong.... or if the camshaft sensor could cause any problems?

When you turn the key to the ON position, you should hear the fuel pump prime for a second or 2. If you don't hear it, or it's inconsistent, then it's electrical related. I'd start with the fuel pump relay. It's located in the power distribution box under the hood. Cheap and easy fix.

i finally figured out what it was.... it was the little wires that go thru the top of the tank down into the fuel pump.... one of the wires had a bad connection and it kept slipping by us everytime we looked at it.........
im just happy to have my car back

Another nasty electrical gremiln squished. Good find & happy motoring.

