Stereo ? Not How! Just If it Works... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stereo ? Not How! Just If it Works...


Well-Known Member
April 10, 2003
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City, State
Tucson, Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 EB V8 2WD
I need to know if anyone has changed their factory stereo and still used the factory Multi-disc CD changer that is in the console. Is it possible?

Also same setup, can the steering wheel and rear controls be wired to function?

Either way, with the Multi CD or at least to control just the new stereo? Anybody got a system that has been made to work?

As always Thanks,

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. sells adapters to retain the stock factory rear controls and steeringwheel controls if you have them. Check to find which stereos can handle the input, most high level ones can though the use of infrared. I'm not sure about the changer though. A new changer, even a 12disc will easily fit in the console though.

With the right amount of money, you can get anything done you want to:D :D Crutchfield is a good place to try. I have heard nothing but positive feedback about them, eventhough I have never actually bought anything from them. Check with a local car audio store, they are usually very good at trying to maintain "Stock" stuff if you really want to. (ie rear controls)

im an electrician and have done this for many people.. but since you dont wanna take the time to learn how it works.. you just want me to tell you if you can or not, i wont take the time to post here..

the knowledge of the masses of explorer fans here is amazing, i have learned to read everything that people post about a system because when the day comes you may need to know, also it never hurts.. this conversion (i will say) is very possible with almost ANY after market deck you have bought. its a very simple process that im sure you will be able to figure out since you already know how it works :eek:

Hey now, lets be nice to our noobies here...... the guy just has a simple question:)

"im an electrician and have done this for many people.. but since you dont wanna take the time to learn how it works.. you just want me to tell you if you can or not,"

You know, you contradict your own post "i wont take the time to post here.." What a self centered fool!

I know many so called electricians that do nothing more than rough-in work, its possible you are one of them. A person that thinks they know the ins and outs of all wiring applications.

I too know how to wire a house, its not that difficult. 3 Phase Delta, Y, low voltage systems ETC... I was only trying to save myself some time by checking the options before I go to any extremes of researching the situation to decide if the results could be achieved.

Yes a little help with some tips is always welcome. I sure you just rip into things, you may get it to work but how much longer does it take you and how much more does it end up costing because you missed some simple step.

So please, if want to be an A$$, no problem, you are good at it !!! I understand.:thumbdwn:

ROFL, rough in? by this im taking rough wall, I.E. cutting in box's connecting flex? No, not even close, i actually supervise the job. i dont even put my tools on anymore, when im not in meetings or on the phone im laying out prints so that peons like yourself will go and do the work they are told.

Your new here, what i was trying to get across to you was the fact that the pool of knowledge here is vast, learn all you can about a system from people who know what they are talking about. its ok your still green behind the ears.

the only house that i have wired or steped into to work on was the owner of the ball park here in phoenix az.. also the owner of the bank one ball park, maybe you know who im talking about? anyway his 50 million dollar home was a little more complicating that what little minds like yours are used too. But i sure as hell got the job done.

Originally posted by Sonny

So please, if want to be an A$$, no problem, you are good at it !!! I understand.

and this is how you quote someone there newbie. yes im good at it, and you dont wanna get on my bad side.

I was only trying to save myself some time by checking the options before I go to any extremes of researching the situation to decide if the results could be achieved.

lol extremes of reaserch? even a level one dummy could figure it out in a few minutes by simply reading about their aftermarket cd player and wiring system for the disc changer. hell even a monkey could do it
:monkey: so kiss my :mattmoon: lol dont you love those little things?

Originally posted by Rydin Dirtay
and this is how you quote someone there newbie. yes im good at it, and you dont wanna get on my bad side.

lol extremes of reaserch? even a level one dummy could figure it out in a few minutes by simply reading about their aftermarket cd player and wiring system for the disc changer. hell even a monkey could do it
:monkey: so kiss my :mattmoon: lol dont you love those little things?

Dude wtf man... Hes " NEW " give him a break... He may not know how to " quote " people instead of being an a$$ tell him the steps to go thru... geeez... Give him a break. _ no flame_


can't we all just get along? lol:)

Ok, I did a search and this is what I came up with, I am new at this also so I dont want any crap about my "quote" methods. I am in the same boat as Sonny here, same problem, but I want to know how it could be done. I have wired up a few new head units and I beleive that there probably isn't a way to integrate the rear controls into an "average" replacement headunit. Any help would be great!

Espically from Ridin Dyrty (sorry if I mis-spelled your name)

Here is the quote:


If you have the factory cd changer mounted in your car and you removed the factory head unit, there is no way to incoporate the factory 6 disc to an aftermarket head unit. The way the ford cd changer sends it's digital signal from the cd player to the head unit is unlike any other brand on the market. So it is virtually usless unless you replace it. Mine right now maked a sturdy cd holder but other than that it dont do anything. You can just replace it that is the only option."

ok here is how it stacks up, you CANNOT just wire it into the aftermarket CD player, give me the make and model number of the CD player and Changer.. i can see from there what you should do. remember not ALL are compatable, but i can get most to work.. thank you for explaining yourself and taking any help you can get. i live in phoenix arizona if you need or are close you can stop by and ill take a look at it and see what i can do.. the aftermarked CD player usually wont recognize a disk changer and will error. this can be changed by another unit that i have placed in other vehicles..

P.S. to quote someoen look at the bottom of their post..
there should be two underlined blue words.. looks like this
Quote Edit/Delete

use the quote option. and welcome to the site.

Hey Thanks!

I appreciate the help....I can tell you that I want to wire up a Pioneer DEH P740 MP Headunit to the factory 6 disk cd-changer. I dont have any info on the make and model of that I wish I was in the your area, it seems like you have a wealth of knowledge to share. Thanks again, Ohh yea, can you give me a basic idea of how re-wiring would go? Also, it might help you to tell you that the Head unit accepts IP-Bus aux imput!



Whatever! Dude what’s the difference? That is what these mean " " And you knew I was replying to you.

I want to Apologize to the board for mud-slinging match. It is pointless. Even though I think it could be of some fun for a few days. Nah

Yes, I am a newbe here, there are many things I would like to find out about my new X.

So on to the next day, Take Care, Sonny:smoke::cool:
