Stock Airbox Removal? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stock Airbox Removal?


Well-Known Member
April 7, 2006
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98 XLT
How do I remove the bottom plate of the stock airbox? I am putting in an intake, but it is too big to put in with that damn box in the way...also, what is the little sensor that goes inside the intake tube? I accidentally cracked the plastic on mine that goes INSIDE the intake tube, but the metal piece is still intact. I think I need to replace it...

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Also, which of the lines do I plug up and not use? I have one plastic hose, one rubber hose, and then the sensor.

You just gotta give the stock air box a good yank and it will come out. The sensor your talkin about is the mass airflow sensor, that you will reuse on the aftermarket intake, and if the actual sensor inside is cracked you should replace it. The rubber hose is the crank case breather hose, and the plastic one goes to the IAC. You should be using both of them on the new intake, so you wont have to worry about plugging anything up. What kind of intake are you putting on?.

Hope this helps.

Nah, not the MAF, it's another sensor further up, closer to the throttle body.

The TPS? (Throttle Position Sensor)

No.....he's talking about ON THE INTAKE TUBE, if you would have read it.

That is your IAT (Inlet Air Temperature) sensor. It measure the temperature of the air entering the engine, and adjusts the fuel curve to compensate.

I have a few of these laying around, so let me know via PM if you'd like one.

Oh I read what he wrote, the only 2 sensors on my intake are the MAF and IAT which are built into the same housing. There is nothing on the intake tube near the throttle body, other than the TPS on the throttle body itself. I'm going by the V6 SOHC, the OHV might be different and I know the V8 is. The type of engine was never specified.

Right after I got my Ex, I was wrenching under the hood and hit the MAF and it just cracked. Anyway, the guy at the dealership said just to put in some black gasket material in the crack to fill it in and I've never had a problem. This was 4 years and 80K miles ago.

I imagine that fix could work for your IAT if that's what is cracked. As long as the electronics weren't damaged and you keep it dry, you shouldn't have issues by just sealing the crack.

Yes, you could bandaid the situation, but still run the risk of other problems. Why not replace it? I'll sell you one of my IAT's for $5 shipped.
