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Stock conical filter & mods


Well-Known Member
July 31, 2000
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City, State
Montpelier, Vermont
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Sport
I read through all of the posts about the various kits to free up the air intake....

But, on my 96 Sport, the airbox takes a conical filter and the MAF seems to be part of the addition, there is some sort of sensor (air temp?) inline.....

How do the kits that replace the stock airbox with an open element filter deal with this? Anyone do one of them on a 96?



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[Edited by Ray Lobato on 08-22-2000 at 11:03 PM]

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My K&N kit came with brackets to support the MAF in place of the support provided by the stock airbox. As for the other sensor that I think you're talking about (farther up the intake tube?), the K&N kit doesn't replace the large inlet tube. However, there are some kits out there that do replace this tube with metal, carbon fiber, or fiberglass. I don't know if these kits provision for this senser or if you have to drill your own hole (which is no big deal anyways).

Hope this helps!

K&N makes a drop in for your 96 that will fit inplace of the stock filter. I had the same setup on my 95. You can also drill holes in the lower part to get more air going into the filter. Hope this helps. :)

Take a look at these pics of my air box mod on my '95. I purchased a K&N filter for a '96 V-8 (E-0996 I think) and used it because it looked better than the conical filter. If the pics don't show up copy and paste the links. Here goes:

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The mod took me about 5-10 min to cut through the airbox housing using a hack saw at about a 60-80 deg. angle. This way I am able to retain the factory mounting setup.

Say Sundown, I used some foam weather strip tape to build up the base on a cone K&N filter so that it would be tight without any air box. Just pull straight up on the box and it will come out. It worked so good that I used a toilet flange to mount a K&N on my caddy with no air box. Sounds great.
